Revelation 18:17 o` evpi. to,pon ple,wn {B}

The reading o` evpi. to,pon ple,wn (“he who sails for (any) part”) is strongly supported by A C about 100 minuscules, including 1006 1854, it61 vg, as well as by a 046 0229 al, which insert to,n before to,pon. The unusual expression with to,pon (though one similar to it occurs in Acts 27:2) prompted copyists to substitute one or another interpretation, as (a) evpi. tw/n ploi,wn ple,wn (P 051 about 100 minuscules al), (b) o` evpi. po,nton ple,wn (469 582 2076* 2254 copbo), (c) o` evpi. tw/n ploi,wn evpi. to,pon ple,wn (syrph), (d) o` evpi. to.n potamo.n ple,wn (2053 2062, cf. copsa “who sail in the rivers”), (e) “those who sail from a distance” (Ps-Ambrose), and (f) evpi. tw/n ploi,wn o` o[miloj (1 296 2049 2186 Hippolytus), which passed into the Textus Receptus (“the company in ships” AV).

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Old Testament