ROMANS 13:1 pa/sa yuch. evxousi,aij u`perecou,saij u`potasse,sqw {A}
Adopting a less formal style, perhaps in order to avoid the Hebraic
idiom involved in pa/sa yuch,, several Western witnesses (î46 D* G
itd*, g, 61 Irenaeuslat Tertullian Ambrosiaster Speculum) read pa,saij
evxousi,aij u`perecou,s... [ Continue Reading ]
ROMANS 13:9 ouv kle,yeij( ouvk evpiqumh,seij {B}
Under the influence of Exodus 20:15-17 and Deuteronomy 5:19-21 several
witnesses (a P Y 048 81 _Byz_ itar copbo arm eth _al_) insert ouv
yeudomarturh,seij. In the course of transmission other readings arose
in various witnesses through omission (per... [ Continue Reading ]
ROMANS 13:11 u`ma/j {B}
Although h`ma/j has strong support (î46vid ac D G Y 33 614 1739
_Byz_), a majority of the Committee thought it somewhat more probable
that u`ma/j was altered to h`ma/j in order to conform the person to
h`mw/n in the next clause, than that h`ma/j was changed to u`ma/j.
Sever... [ Continue Reading ]
ROMANS 13:12 avpoqw,meqa {A}
Instead of avpoqw,meqa several Western witnesses read avpobalw,meqa
(î46 D*, 3 F G Old Latin vg). Since the use of avpoqe,sqai is normal
in formulas of renunciation (see E. G. Selwyn, _1 Peter,_ pp. 394
ff.), and since the verb avpoba,llein recurs nowhere else in the
P... [ Continue Reading ]