Romans 15:33 avmh,n {A}

On the reading of î46, see the comment on 14.23.

[It is difficult to account for the absence of avmh,n from A G 330 436 451 630 1739 1881 itg al (its omission from î46 is doubtless connected with the presence here of the doxology, concluding with avmh,n, in that witness). On the other hand, if avmh,n were not present originally, copyists would have been tempted to add it to such a quasi-liturgical statement as is ver. Romans 15:33. To represent the conflict between the strong external evidence for its inclusion (a B C D P Y 33 81 614 al) and the equally strong transcriptional probability suggesting that it is secondary, the word should be enclosed within square brackets. B.M.M.]

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Old Testament