Romans 4:1 eu`rhke,nai VAbraa.m to.n propa,tora h`mw/n {B}

Although it can be argued that the variation of position of eu`rhke,nai (before VAbraa,m, a A C D G Y 81 629 al; after h`mw/n, K P 33 88 614 Byz al) indicates that the word was added at various places and that therefore the short text (B 1739 Origen) is original, the Committee considered that (a) there was no reason why copyists should have decided to add eu`rhke,nai at various places if it did not belong in the text originally, and (b) eu`rhke,nai after evrou/men may have fallen out accidentally because of the similarity of the beginning of both verbs. Of the two readings that include the word, the sequence h`mw/n eu`rhke,nai was judged inferior both in sense and external support.

The word propa,tora (which occurs nowhere else in the New Testament) was replaced in the later manuscripts (K P 33 104 614 1739 Byz Lect al) by pate,ra (which is the customary designation in the New Testament for Abraham; see Luke 16:24, Luke 16:30; John 8:53; Acts 7:2; Romans 4:12).

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