1 Kings 15:1

1 Kings 15:1 eighteenth H8083 H6240 year H8141 King H4428 Jeroboam H3379 son H1121 Nebat H5028 Abijam H38 king H4427 (H8804) Judah H3063 1 Kings 14:31; 2 Chronicles 13:1, 2 Chronicles 13:2-22... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:2

1 Kings 15:2 reigned H4427 (H8804) three H7969 years H8141 Jerusalem H3389 mothers H517 name H8034 Maachah H4601 granddaughter H1323 Abishalom H53 HIS MOTHER'S - 1 KINGS 15:13; 2 CHRONICLES 11:20-22 Maachah - 2 Chronicles 13:2, Mic [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:3

1 Kings 15:3 walked H3212 (H8799) sins H2403 father H1 done H6213 (H8804) before H6440 heart H3824 loyal H8003 LORD H3068 God H430 heart H3824 father H1 David H1732 all the sins - 1 Kings 14:21-22 and his heart -... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:4

1 Kings 15:4 Davids H1732 LORD H3068 God H430 gave H5414 (H8804) lamp H5216 Jerusalem H3389 up H6965 (H8687) son H1121 after H310 establishing H5975 (H8687) Jerusalem H3389 for David's - 1 Kings 11:12, 1 King [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:5

1 Kings 15:5 David H1732 did H6213 (H8804) right H3477 eyes H5869 LORD H3068 aside H5493 (H8804) commanded H6680 (H8765) days H3117 life H2416 matter H1697 Uriah H223 Hittite H2850 David - 1 Kings 15:3,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:6

1 Kings 15:6 war H4421 Rehoboam H7346 Jeroboam H3379 days H3117 life H2416 there was war - 1 Kings 14:30; 2 Chronicles 13:3; 1 Kings 14:30... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:7

1 Kings 15:7 rest H3499 acts H1697 Abijam H38 did H6213 (H8804) written H3789 (H8803) book H5612 chronicles H1697 H3117 kings H4428 Judah H3063 war H4421 Abijam H38 Jeroboam H3379 the rest - 1 Kings 14:29;... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:8

1 Kings 15:8 Abijam H38 rested H7901 (H8799) fathers H1 buried H6912 (H8799) City H5892 David H1732 Asa H609 son H1121 reigned H4427 (H8799) Abijam - 1 Kings 14:1, 1 Kings 14:31; 2 Chronicles 14: [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:10

1 Kings 15:10 reigned H4427 (H8804) forty-one H705 H259 years H8141 Jerusalem H3389 grandmothers H517 name H8034 Maachah H4601 granddaughter H1323 Abishalom H53 mother's - that is, grandmother's. 1 Kings 15:2, 1 Kings 15:13;... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:11

1 Kings 15:11 Asa H609 did H6213 (H8799) right H3477 eyes H5869 LORD H3068 father H1 David H1732 Asa - 1 Kings 15:3; 2 Chronicles 14:2, 2 Chronicles 14:11, 2 Chronicles 15:17,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:12

1 Kings 15:12 banished H5674 (H8686) persons H6945 land H776 removed H5493 (H8686) idols H1544 fathers H1 made H6213 (H8804) the sodomites - 1 Kings 14:24, 1 Kings 22:46; Romans 1:26-27; J [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:13

1 Kings 15:13 removed H5493 (H8686) Maachah H4601 grandmother H517 queen H1377 made H6213 (H8804) image H4656 Asherah H842 Asa H609 down H3772 (H8799) image H4656 burned H8313 (H8799) Brook H5158 Kidron H6939 Maachah -... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:14

1 Kings 15:14 places H1116 removed H5493 (H8804) Asas H609 heart H3824 loyal H8003 LORD H3068 days H3117 the high places - 1 Kings 22:43; 2 Kings 12:3, 2 Kings 14:4, 2 Kings 15:4;... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:15

1 Kings 15:15 brought H935 (H8686) house H1004 LORD H3068 things H6944 father H1 dedicated H6944 dedicated H6944 silver H3701 gold H2091 utensils H3627 he brought - 1 Kings 7:51; 1 Chronicles 26:26-28; 2 C [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:16

1 Kings 15:16 war H4421 Asa H609 Baasha H1201 king H4428 Israel H3478 days H3117 1 Kings 15:6-7, 1 Kings 15:32, 1 Kings 14:30; 2 Chronicles 16:1-6... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:17

1 Kings 15:17 Baasha H1201 king H4428 Israel H3478 up H5927 (H8799) Judah H3063 built H1129 (H8799) Ramah H7414 let H5414 (H8800) out H3318 (H8802) in H935 (H8802) Asa H609 king H4428 Judah H3063 Baasha -... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:18

1 Kings 15:18 Asa H609 took H3947 (H8799) silver H3701 gold H2091 left H3498 (H8737) treasuries H214 house H1004 LORD H3068 treasuries H214 kings H4428 house H1004 delivered H5414 (H8799) hand H3027 servants H5650 King H4428 Asa... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:19

1 Kings 15:19 treaty H1285 father H1 father H1 sent H7971 (H8804) present H7810 silver H3701 gold H2091 Come H3212 (H8798) break H6565 (H8685) treaty H1285 Baasha H1201 king H4428 Israel H3478 withdraw H5927 (H8799) There is a league [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:20

1 Kings 15:20 Ben-Hadad H1130 heeded H8085 (H8799) King H4428 Asa H609 sent H7971 (H8799) captains H8269 armies H2428 cities H5892 Israel H3478 attacked H5221 (H8686) Ijon H5859 Dan H1835 Maachah H62 Chinneroth H3672 land H776 Naphtali... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:21

1 Kings 15:21 Baasha H1201 heard H8085 (H8800) stopped H2308 (H8799) building H1129 (H8800) Ramah H7414 remained H3427 (H8799) Tirzah H8656 when Baasha - 2 Chronicles 16:5 Tirzah - 1 Kings 14:17, 1 Kings [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:22

1 Kings 15:22 King H4428 Asa H609 proclamation H8085 (H8689) Judah H3063 exempted H5355 took H5375 (H8799) stones H68 timber H6086 Ramah H7414 Baasha H1201 building H1129 (H8804) King H4428 Asa H609 built H1129 (H8799) Geba... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:23

1 Kings 15:23 rest H3499 acts H1697 Asa H609 might H1369 did H6213 (H8804) cities H5892 built H1129 (H8804) written H3789 (H8803) book H5612 chronicles H1697 H3117 kings H4428 Judah H3063 time H6256 age H2209 diseased... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:24

1 Kings 15:24 Asa H609 rested H7901 (H8799) fathers H1 buried H6912 (H8735) fathers H1 City H5892 David H1732 father H1 Jehoshaphat H3092 son H1121 reigned H4427 (H8799) was buried - 2 Chronicles 16:14. Jehoshaphat -... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:25

1 Kings 15:25 Nadab H5070 son H1121 Jeroboam H3379 king H4427 (H8804) Israel H3478 second H8147 year H8141 Asa H609 king H4428 Judah H3063 reigned H4427 (H8799) Israel H3478 two H8147 years H8141 Nadab - 1 Kings 14:12 [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:26

1 Kings 15:26 did H6213 (H8799) evil H7451 sight H5869 LORD H3068 walked H3212 (H8799) way H1870 father H1 sin H2403 Israel H3478 sin H2398 (H8689) he did evil - 1 Kings 16:7, 1 Kings 16:25,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:27

1 Kings 15:27 Baasha H1201 son H1121 Ahijah H281 house H1004 Issachar H3485 conspired H7194 (H8799) Baasha H1201 killed H5221 (H8686) Gibbethon H1405 Philistines H6430 Nadab H5070 Israel H3478 siege H6696 (H8802) Gibbethon H1405 Baasha the son -... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:28

1 Kings 15:28 Baasha H1201 killed H4191 (H8686) third H7969 year H8141 Asa H609 king H4428 Judah H3063 reigned H4427 (H8799) Deuteronomy 32:35... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:29

1 Kings 15:29 king H4427 (H8800) killed H5221 (H8689) house H1004 Jeroboam H3379 leave H7604 (H8689) Jeroboam H3379 breathed H5397 destroyed H8045 (H8689) word H1697 LORD H3068 spoken H1696 (H8765) by H3027 servant H5650 Ahijah... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:30

1 Kings 15:30 sins H2403 Jeroboam H3379 sinned H2398 (H8804) Israel H3478 sin H2398 (H8689) provocation H3708 provoked H3068 God H430 Israel H3478 anger H3707 (H8689) the sins - 1 Kings 15:26, 1 Kings 14:9-16 by his provocati [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:31

1 Kings 15:31 rest H3499 acts H1697 Nadab H5070 did H6213 (H8804) written H3789 (H8803) book H5612 chronicles H1697 H3117 kings H4428 Israel H3478 are they not written - 1 Kings 14:19, 1 Kings 16:5,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:32

1 Kings 15:32 war H4421 Asa H609 Baasha H1201 king H4428 Israel H3478 days H3117 there was war - 2 Chronicles 15:19; 2 Chronicles 16:1, 1 Kings 16:8-9, 1 Kings 15:16... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:33

1 Kings 15:33 third H7969 year H8141 Asa H609 king H4428 Judah H3063 Baasha H1201 son H1121 Ahijah H281 king H4427 (H8804) Israel H3478 Tirzah H8656 twenty-four H6242 H702 years H8141 twenty and four years - 1 Kings 16:8... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:34

1 Kings 15:34 did H6213 (H8799) evil H7451 sight H5869 LORD H3068 walked H3212 (H8799) way H1870 Jeroboam H3379 sin H2403 Israel H3478 sin H2398 (H8689) he did evil - 1 Kings 15:26 walked - 1 Kings 15:26,... [ Continue Reading ]

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