Exodus 22:1

Exodus 22:1 man H376 steals H1589 (H8799) ox H7794 sheep H7716 slaughters H2873 (H8804) sells H4376 (H8804) restore H7999 (H8762) five H2568 oxen H1241 ox H7794 four H702 sheep H6629 sheep H7716 sheep - or, goat he shall -... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:2

Exodus 22:2 thief H1590 found H4672 (H8735) in H4290 struck H5221 (H8717) dies H4191 (H8804) bloodshed H1818 breaking - Job 24:14, Job 30:5; Hosea 7:1; Joel 2:9; Mat [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:3

Exodus 22:3 sun H8121 risen H2224 (H8804) bloodshed H1818 full H7999 (H8763) restitution H7999 (H8762) sold H4376 (H8738) theft H1591 then he shall - Exodus 21:2; Judges 2:14, Judges 10:7;... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:4

Exodus 22:4 theft H1591 certainly H4672 (H8736) found H4672 (H8735) alive H2416 hand H3027 ox H7794 donkey H2543 sheep H7716 restore H7999 (H8762) double H8147 found - Exodus 21:16 he shall restore double - Exodus 22:1,... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:5

Exodus 22:5 man H376 field H7704 vineyard H3754 grazed H1197 (H8686) loose H7971 (H8765) animal H1165 feeds H1197 (H8765) mans H312 field H7704 restitution H7999 (H8762) best H4315 field H7704 best H4315 vineyard H3754 shall he make re [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:6

Exodus 22:6 fire H784 out H3318 (H8799) catches H4672 (H8804) thorns H6975 grain H1430 grain H7054 field H7704 consumed H398 (H8738) kindled H1197 (H8686) fire H1200 surely H7999 (H8763) restitution H7999 (H8762) so that the stacks of c [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:7

Exodus 22:7 man H376 delivers H5414 (H8799) neighbor H7453 money H3701 articles H3627 keep H8104 (H8800) stolen H1589 (H8795) mans H376 house H1004 thief H1590 found H4672 (H8735) pay H7999 (H8762) double H8147 if the thief be found - [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:8

Exodus 22:8 thief H1590 not H3808 found H4672 (H8735) master H1167 house H1004 brought H7126 (H8738) judges H430 put H7971 (H8804) hand H3027 neighbors H7453 goods H4399 the judges - Exodus 22:28; Exodus 21:6;... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:9

Exodus 22:9 kind H1697 trespass H6588 ox H7794 donkey H2543 sheep H7716 clothing H8008 thing H9 claims H559 (H8799) cause H1697 parties H8147 come H935 (H8799) judges H430 judges H430 condemn H7561 (H8686) pay H7999 (H8762 [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:10

Exodus 22:10 man H376 delivers H5414 (H8799) neighbor H7453 donkey H2543 ox H7794 sheep H7716 animal H929 keep H8104 (H8800) dies H4191 (H8804) hurt H7665 (H8738) away H7617 (H8738) seeing H7200 (H8802)... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:11

Exodus 22:11 oath H7621 LORD H3068 both H8147 put H7971 (H8804) hand H3027 neighbors H7453 goods H4399 owner H1167 accept H3947 (H8804) good H7999 (H8762) an oath of the Lord - Leviticus 5:1, Leviticus 6:3;... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:12

Exodus 22:12 stolen H1589 (H8800) H1589 (H8735) restitution H7999 (H8762) owner H1167 stolen from him - Exodus 22:7; Genesis 31:39... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:13

Exodus 22:13 pieces H2963 (H8800) H2963 (H8735) bring H935 (H8686) evidence H5707 good H7999 (H8762) torn H2966 torn in pieces - Ezekiel 4:14; Amos 3:12; Micah 5:8; Nahum 2:12... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:14

Exodus 22:14 man H376 borrows H7592 (H8799) neighbor H7453 injured H7665 (H8738) dies H4191 (H8804) owner H1167 it H5973 surely H7999 (H8763) good H7999 (H8762) borrow - Deuteronomy 15:2,... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:15

Exodus 22:15 owner H1167 good H7999 (H8762) hired H7916 came H935 (H8804) hire H7939 it came for his hire - Zechariah 8:10... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:16

Exodus 22:16 man H376 entices H6601 (H8762) virgin H1330 betrothed H781 (H8795) lies H7901 (H8804) shall H4117 (H8800) bride-price H4117 (H8799) wife H802 a man entice - Genesis 34:2-4; Deuteronomy 22:28-29... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:17

Exodus 22:17 father H1 utterly H3985 (H8763) refuses H3985 (H8762) give H5414 (H8800) pay H8254 (H8799) money H3701 bride-price H4119 virgins H1330 utterly - Deuteronomy 7:3-4 pay - Heb. weigh, Genesis 23:16 dowry of virgins -... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:18

Exodus 22:18 sorceress H3784 (H8764) live H2421 (H8762) Leviticus 19:26, Leviticus 19:31, Leviticus 20:6, Leviticus 20:27; Deuteronomy 18:10-11; 1 Samuel 28:3,... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:19

Exodus 22:19 lies H7901 (H8802) animal H929 surely H4191 (H8800) death H4191 (H8714) Leviticus 18:23, Leviticus 18:25, Leviticus 20:15-16; Deuteronomy 27:21... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:20

Exodus 22:20 sacrifices H2076 (H8802) god H430 except H1115 LORD H3068 destroyed H2763 (H8714) sacrificeth - Numbers 25:2-4, Numbers 25:7-8; Deuteronomy 13:1-15, Deuteronomy 17:2-5,... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:21

Exodus 22:21 mistreat H3238 (H8686) stranger H1616 oppress H3905 (H8799) strangers H1616 land H776 Egypt H4714 vex a stranger - Exodus 23:9; Leviticus 19:33, Leviticus 25:35; Deuteronomy 10:19;... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:22

Exodus 22:22 afflict H6031 (H8762) widow H490 child H3490 Deuteronomy 10:18, Deuteronomy 24:17, Deuteronomy 27:19; Psalms 94:6-7; Isaiah 1:17, Isaiah 1:23,... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:23

Exodus 22:23 If H518 afflict H6031 (H8762) way H6031 (H8763) cry H6817 (H8799) all H6817 (H8800) surely H8085 (H8800) hear H8085 (H8799) cry H6818 they cry at all - Deuteronomy 15:9, Deuteronomy 2 [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:24

Exodus 22:24 wrath H639 hot H2734 (H8804) kill H2026 (H8804) sword H2719 wives H802 widows H490 children H1121 fatherless H3490 my wrath - Job 31:23; Psalms 69:24, Psalms 76:7, Psalms 90:11;... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:25

Exodus 22:25 lend H3867 (H8686) money H3701 people H5971 poor H6041 moneylender H5383 (H8802) charge H7760 (H8799) interest H5392 Leviticus 25:35-37; Deuteronomy 23:19-20; 2 Kings 4:1,... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:26

Exodus 22:26 ever H2254 (H8800) take H2254 neighbors H7453 garment H8008 pledge H2254 (H8799) return H7725 (H8686) before H5704 sun H8121 down H935 (H8800) to pledge - Deuteronomy 24:6, Deuteronomy 24:10-13,... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:27

Exodus 22:27 covering H3682 garment H8071 skin H5785 sleep H7901 (H8799) cries H6817 (H8799) hear H8085 (H8804) gracious H2587 when he crieth - Exodus 2:23-24; Psalms 34:6, Psalms 72:12;... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:28

Exodus 22:28 revile H7043 (H8762) God H430 curse H779 (H8799) ruler H5387 people H5971 the gods - or, judges, Exodus 22:8-9; Psalms 32:6, Psalms 82:1-7, Psalms 138:1; John 10:34-35 nor curse -... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:29

Exodus 22:29 delay H309 (H8762) produce H4395 juices H1831 firstborn H1060 sons H1121 give H5414 (H8799) shalt not delay - Exodus 23:16, Exodus 23:19; Deuteronomy 26:2-10; 2 Kings 4:42;... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:30

Exodus 22:30 Likewise H3651 do H6213 (H8799) oxen H7794 sheep H6629 mother H517 seven H7651 days H3117 eighth H8066 day H3117 give H5414 (H8799) Likewise - Deuteronomy 15:19 seven days - Leviticus 22:27... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:31

Exodus 22:31 holy H6944 men H582 eat H398 (H8799) meat H1320 torn H2966 field H7704 throw H7993 (H8686) dogs H3611 holy - Exodus 19:5-6; Leviticus 11:45, Leviticus 19:2; D [ Continue Reading ]

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