Jeremiah 27:1

Jeremiah 27:1 beginning H7225 reign H4467 Jehoiakim H3079 son H1121 Josiah H2977 king H4428 Judah H3063 word H1697 Jeremiah H3414 LORD H3068 saying H559 (H8800) the beginning - Jeremiah 27:3, Jeremiah 27:12,... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:2

Jeremiah 27:2 says H559 (H8804) LORD H3068 Make H6213 (H8798) bonds H4147 yokes H4133 put H5414 (H8804) neck H6677 saith the Lord - or, hath the Lord said, Amos 7:1, Amos 7:4 Make - Jeremiah 27:12,... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:3

Jeremiah 27:3 send H7971 (H8765) king H4428 Edom H123 king H4428 Moab H4124 king H4428 Ammonites H1121 H5983 king H4428 Tyre H6865 king H4428 Sidon H6721 hand H3027 messengers H4397 come H935 (H8802) Jerusalem H3389 Zedekiah... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:4

Jeremiah 27:4 command H6680 (H8765) say H559 (H8800) masters H113 says H559 (H8804) LORD H3068 hosts H6635 God H430 say H559 (H8799) masters H113 Thus - the Lord, Jeremiah 10:10, Jeremiah 10:16,... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:5

Jeremiah 27:5 made H6213 (H8804) earth H776 man H120 beast H929 on H6440 ground H776 great H1419 power H3581 outstretched H5186 (H8803) arm H2220 given H5414 (H8804) seemed H5869 proper H3474 (H8804) made -... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:6

Jeremiah 27:6 given H5414 (H8804) lands H776 hand H3027 Nebuchadnezzar H5019 king H4428 Babylon H894 servant H5650 beasts H2416 field H7704 given H5414 (H8804) serve H5647 (H8800) I given all - Jeremiah 28:14;... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:7

Jeremiah 27:7 nations H1471 serve H5647 (H8804) son H1121 sons H1121 son H1121 time H6256 land H776 comes H935 (H8800) many H7227 nations H1471 great H1419 kings H4428 serve H5647 (H8804) all - Jeremiah 25:11 [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:8

Jeremiah 27:8 nation H1471 kingdom H4467 serve H5647 (H8799) Nebuchadnezzar H5019 king H4428 Babylon H894 put H5414 (H8799) neck H6677 yoke H5923 king H4428 Babylon H894 nation H1471 punish H6485 (H8799) says H5002 (H8803) LORD... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:9

Jeremiah 27:9 listen H8085 (H8799) prophets H5030 diviners H7080 (H8802) dreamers H2472 soothsayers H6049 (H8781) sorcerers H3786 speak H559 (H8802) saying H559 (H8800) serve H5647 (H8799) king H4428 Babylon H894 hearken -... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:10

Jeremiah 27:10 prophesy H5012 (H8737) lie H8267 far H7368 (H8687) land H127 out H5080 (H8689) perish H6 (H8804) they - Jeremiah 27:14, Jeremiah 28:16; Ezekiel 14:9-11 unto -... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:11

Jeremiah 27:11 nations H1471 bring H935 (H8686) necks H6677 yoke H5923 king H4428 Babylon H894 serve H5647 (H8804) remain H3240 (H8689) land H127 says H5002 (H8803) LORD H3068 till H5647 (H8804) dwell H3427 (H88 [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:12

Jeremiah 27:12 spoke H1696 (H8765) Zedekiah H6667 king H4428 Judah H3063 words H1697 saying H559 (H8800) Bring H935 (H8685) necks H6677 yoke H5923 king H4428 Babylon H894 serve H5647 (H8798) people H5971 live H2421 ... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:13

Jeremiah 27:13 die H4191 (H8799) people H5971 sword H2719 famine H7458 pestilence H1698 LORD H3068 spoken H1696 (H8765) nation H1471 serve H5647 (H8799) king H4428 Babylon H894 Why - Jeremiah 38:20; Pr [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:14

Jeremiah 27:14 listen H8085 (H8799) words H1697 prophets H5030 speak H559 (H8802) saying H559 (H8800) serve H5647 (H8799) king H4428 Babylon H894 prophesy H5012 (H8737) lie H8267 hearken - Jeremiah 27:9;... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:15

Jeremiah 27:15 sent H7971 (H8804) says H5002 (H8803) LORD H3068 prophesy H5012 (H8737) lie H8267 name H8034 out H5080 (H8687) perish H6 (H8804) prophets H5030 prophesy H5012 (H8737) that I - Jeremiah 27:10;... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:16

Jeremiah 27:16 spoke H1696 (H8765) priests H3548 people H5971 saying H559 (H8800) says H559 (H8804) LORD H3068 listen H8085 (H8799) words H1697 prophets H5030 prophesy H5012 (H8737) saying H559 (H8800) vessels H3627 LORDS... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:17

Jeremiah 27:17 listen H8085 (H8799) serve H5647 (H8798) king H4428 Babylon H894 live H2421 (H8798) city H5892 waste H2723 serve - Jeremiah 27:11-12 wherefore - Jeremiah 27:13, Jeremiah 38:17,... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:18

Jeremiah 27:18 prophets H5030 word H1697 LORD H3068 is H3426 intercession H6293 (H8799) LORD H3068 hosts H6635 vessels H3627 left H3498 (H8737) house H1004 LORD H3068 house H1004 king H4428 Judah H3063 Jerusalem H3389 go H935 ... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:19

Jeremiah 27:19 says H559 (H8804) LORD H3068 hosts H6635 pillars H5982 Sea H3220 carts H4350 remainder H3499 vessels H3627 remain H3498 (H8737) city H5892 the pillars - Jeremiah 52:17-23; 1 Kings 7:15-22;... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:20

Jeremiah 27:20 Nebuchadnezzar H5019 king H4428 Babylon H894 take H3947 (H8804) captive H1540 (H8687) Jeconiah H3204 son H1121 Jehoiakim H3079 king H4428 Judah H3063 Jerusalem H3389 Babylon H894 nobles H2715 Judah H3063 Jerusalem H3389 when -... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:21

Jeremiah 27:21 says H559 (H8804) LORD H3068 hosts H6635 God H430 Israel H3478 vessels H3627 remain H3498 (H8737) house H1004 LORD H3068 house H1004 king H4428 Judah H3063 Jerusalem H3389... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 27:22

Jeremiah 27:22 carried H935 (H8714) Babylon H894 day H3117 visit H6485 (H8800) says H5002 (H8803) LORD H3068 bring H5927 (H8689) restore H7725 (H8689) place H4725 carried - Jeremiah 29:10, Jeremiah 34:5 [ Continue Reading ]

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