Job 20:1

Job 20:1 Zophar H6691 Naamathite H5284 answered H6030 (H8799) said H559 (H8799) Zophar - Job 2:11, Job 11:1, Job 42:9... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:2

Job 20:2 thoughts H5587 answer H7725 (H8686) turmoil H2363 (H8800) my thoughts - Job 20:3, Job 4:2, Job 13:19, Job 32:13-20; Psalms 39:2-3; Jeremiah 20:9;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:3

Job 20:3 heard H8085 (H8799) rebuke H4148 reproaches H3639 spirit H7307 understanding H998 answer H6030 (H8799) the check - Job 19:29 the spirit - Job 20:2, Job 27:11, Job 33:3; Psalms 49:3,... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:4

Job 20:4 know H3045 (H8804) old H5703 man H120 placed H7760 (H8800) earth H776 thou not - Job 8:8-9, Job 15:10, Job 32:7 man - Genesis 1:28, Genesis 9:1-3;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:5

Job 20:5 triumphing H7445 wicked H7563 short H7138 joy H8057 hypocrite H2611 moment H7281 the triumphing - Job 5:3, Job 15:29-34, Job 18:5-6, Job 27:13-23; Exodus 15:9-10;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:6

Job 20:6 haughtiness H7863 up H5927 (H8799) heavens H8064 head H7218 reaches H5060 (H8686) clouds H5645 his excellency - Genesis 11:4; Isaiah 14:13-14; Daniel 4:11, Daniel 4:22; Amos 9:2; [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:7

Job 20:7 perish H6 (H8799) forever H5331 refuse H1561 seen H7200 (H8802) say H559 (H8799) perish - 1 Kings 14:10; 2 Kings 9:37; Psalms 83:10; Jeremiah 8:2 shall say - Job 14:10... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:8

Job 20:8 away H5774 (H8799) dream H2472 found H4672 (H8799) away H5074 (H8714) vision H2384 night H3915 fly away - Psalms 73:20, Psalms 18:10, Psalms 90:5; Isaiah 29:7-8... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:9

Job 20:9 eye H5869 saw H7805 (H8804) more H3254 (H8686) place H4725 behold H7789 (H8799) The eye - Job 20:7, Job 7:8, Job 7:10, Job 8:18, Job 27:3;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:10

Job 20:10 children H1121 favor H7521 (H8762) poor H1800 hands H3027 restore H7725 (H8686) wealth H202 His children - etc. or, The poor shall oppress his children, Proverbs 28:3 seek - Psalms 109:10 his hands - Job 20:18; Exodus 12:36,... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:11

Job 20:11 bones H6106 full H4390 (H8804) vigor H5934 down H7901 (H8799) dust H6083 bones - Job 13:26, Job 19:20; Psalms 25:7; Proverbs 5:11-13, Proverbs 5:22-23;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:12

Job 20:12 evil H7451 sweet H4985 (H8686) mouth H6310 hides H3582 (H8686) tongue H3956 wickedness - Job 15:16; Genesis 3:6; Proverbs 9:17-18, Proverbs 20:17; Ecclesiastes 11:9 he hide -... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:13

Job 20:13 spares H2550 (H8799) forsake H5800 (H8799) keeps H4513 (H8799) in H8432 mouth H2441 SPARE IT - MATTHEW 5:29-30; MARK 9:43-49; ROMANS 8:13 within his mouth - Heb. in the midst of his palate... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:14

Job 20:14 food H3899 stomach H4578 sour H2015 (H8738) cobra H6620 venom H4846 within H7130 his meat - 2 Samuel 11:2-5, 2 Samuel 12:10-11; Psalms 32:3-4, Psalms 38:1-8, Psalms 51:8-9; [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:15

Job 20:15 down H1104 (H8804) riches H2428 again H6958 (H8686) God H410 out H3423 (H8686) belly H990 swallowed - Proverbs 23:8; Matthew 27:3-4... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:16

Job 20:16 suck H3243 (H8799) poison H7219 cobras H6620 vipers H660 tongue H3956 slay H2026 (H8799) the poison - Romans 3:13 the viper's - Isaiah 30:6; Matthew 3:7; Acts 28:3-6... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:17

Job 20:17 see H7200 (H8799) streams H6390 flowing H5104 H5158 honey H1706 cream H2529 shall not see - Numbers 14:23; 2 Kings 7:2; Jeremiah 17:6-8; Luke 16:24 the rivers - Psalms 36:8-9;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:18

Job 20:18 restore H7725 (H8688) labored H3022 swallow H1104 (H8799) proceeds H8545 business H2428 enjoyment H5965 (H8799) shall he restore - Job 20:10, Job 20:15 swallow - Job 20:5; Proverbs 1:12;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:19

Job 20:19 oppressed H7533 (H8765) forsaken H5800 (H8804) poor H1800 seized H1497 (H8804) house H1004 build H1129 (H8799) Because - Job 21:27-28, Job 22:6, Job 24:2-12, Job 31:13-22,... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:20

Job 20:20 knows H3045 (H8804) quietness H7961 heart H990 save H4422 (H8762) desires H2530 (H8803) Surely - Ecclesiastes 5:13-14; Isaiah 57:20-21 feel - Heb. know... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:21

Job 20:21 left H8300 eat H400 well-being H2898 last H2342 (H8799) none of his meat be left - or, be none left for his meat, Job 18:19; Jeremiah 17:11; Luke 16:24-25... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:22

Job 20:22 self-sufficiency H4390 (H8800) (H8675) H4390 (H8763) H5607 distress H3334 (H8799) hand H3027 misery H6001 come H935 (H8799) the fulness - Job 15:29, Job 18:7; Psalms 39:5;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:23

Job 20:23 fill H4390 (H8763) stomach H990 cast H7971 (H8762) fury H2740 wrath H639 rain H4305 (H8686) eating H3894 he is about - Numbers 11:33; Psalms 78:30-31; Malachi 2:2; Luke 12: [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:24

Job 20:24 flee H1272 (H8799) iron H1270 weapon H5402 bronze H5154 bow H7198 pierce H2498 (H8799) flee from - 1 Kings 20:30; Isaiah 24:18; Jeremiah 48:43-44; Amos 5:19, Amos 9: [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:25

Job 20:25 drawn H8025 (H8804) out H3318 (H8799) body H1465 glittering H1300 out H1980 (H8799) gall H4846 Terrors H367 drawn - Job 16:13; Deuteronomy 32:41; 2 Samuel 18:14; Psalms 7:12 [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:26

Job 20:26 darkness H2822 reserved H2934 (H8803) treasures H6845 (H8803) unfanned H5301 (H8795) fire H784 consume H398 (H8762) ill H3415 (H8799) left H8300 tent H168 darkness - Job 18:5-6; Isaiah 8:22;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:27

Job 20:27 heavens H8064 reveal H1540 (H8762) iniquity H5771 earth H776 up H6965 (H8693) heaven - Psalms 44:20-21; Jeremiah 29:23; Malachi 3:5; Luke 12:2-3; Romans 2:16;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:28

Job 20:28 increase H2981 house H1004 depart H1540 (H8799) away H5064 (H8737) day H3117 wrath H639 increase - Job 20:10, Job 20:18-22, Job 5:5, Job 27:14-19; 2 Kings 20:17;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:29

Job 20:29 portion H2506 God H430 wicked H7563 man H120 heritage H5159 appointed H561 God H410 the portion - Job 18:21, Job 27:13, Job 31:2-3; Deuteronomy 29:20-28; Psalms 11:5-6;... [ Continue Reading ]

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