Job 27:1

Job 27:1 Job H347 continued H3254 (H8686) H5375 (H8800) discourse H4912 said H559 (H8799) Job - Numbers 23:7, Numbers 24:3, Numbers 24:15; Psalms 49:4, Psalms 78:2;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:2

Job 27:2 God H410 lives H2416 away H5493 (H8689) justice H4941 Almighty H7706 made H4843 soul H5315 bitter H4843 (H8689) God liveth - Numbers 14:21; Ruth 3:13; 1 Samuel 14:39, 1 Samuel 14:45, [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:3

Job 27:3 long H5750 breath H5397 breath H7307 God H433 nostrils H639 the spirit of God - that is, the breath which God gave him, Genesis 2:7; Isaiah 2:22; Acts 17:25... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:4

Job 27:4 lips H8193 speak H1696 (H8762) wickedness H5766 tongue H3956 utter H1897 (H8799) deceit H7423 Job 13:7, Job 34:6; John 8:55; 2 Corinthians 11:10... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:5

Job 27:5 it H2486 right H6663 (H8686) die H1478 (H8799) away H5493 (H8686) integrity H8538 justify - Job 32:3, Job 42:7; Deuteronomy 25:1; Proverbs 17:15; Galatians 2:11 I will n [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:6

Job 27:6 righteousness H6666 hold H2388 (H8689) go H7503 (H8686) heart H3824 reproach H2778 (H8799) live H3117 I hold fast - Job 2:3; Psalms 18:20-23; Proverbs 4:13 my heart - Acts 24:16;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:7

Job 27:7 enemy H341 (H8802) wicked H7563 up H6965 (H8693) unrighteous H5767 1 Samuel 25:26; 2 Samuel 18:32; Daniel 4:19... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:8

Job 27:8 hope H8615 hypocrite H2611 gain H1214 (H8799) God H433 away H7953 (H8799) life H5315 Job 11:20, Job 13:16, Job 15:34, Job 20:5, Job 31:3;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:9

Job 27:9 God H410 hear H8085 (H8799) cry H6818 trouble H6869 comes H935 (H8799) Will God - Job 35:12-13; Psalms 18:41, Psalms 66:18, Psalms 109:7; Proverbs 1:28,... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:10

Job 27:10 delight H6026 (H8691) Almighty H7706 always H6256 call H7121 (H8799) God H433 delight - Job 22:26-27; Psalms 37:4, Psalms 43:4; Habakkuk 3:18 will he always - Psalms 78:34-36;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:11

Job 27:11 teach H3384 (H8686) hand H3027 God H410 Almighty H7706 conceal H3582 (H8762) teach - Job 4:3-4, Job 6:10; Isaiah 8:11 by the hand - or, being in the hand, etc that which - Job 32:8-10; Deuteronomy 4:5;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:12

Job 27:12 seen H2372 (H8804) behave H1891 complete H1892 nonsense H1891 (H8799) ye yourselves - Job 21:28-30; Ecclesiastes 8:14, Ecclesiastes 9:1-3 altogether - Job 6:25-29, Job 13:4-9,... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:13

Job 27:13 portion H2506 wicked H7563 man H120 God H410 heritage H5159 oppressors H6184 received H3947 (H8799) Almighty H7706 the portion - Job 20:29, Job 31:3; Psalms 11:6; Ecclesiastes 8:13;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:14

Job 27:14 children H1121 multiplied H7235 (H8799) for H3926 sword H2719 offspring H6631 satisfied H7646 (H8799) bread H3899 children - Job 21:11-12; Deuteronomy 28:32, Deuteronomy 28:41; 2 Kings 9:7-8, [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:15

Job 27:15 survive H8300 buried H6912 (H8735) death H4194 widows H490 weep H1058 (H8799) Those - 1 Kings 14:10-11, 1 Kings 16:3-4, 1 Kings 21:21-24 his widows - Psalms 78:64; Jerem [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:16

Job 27:16 up H6651 (H8799) silver H3701 dust H6083 up H3559 (H8686) clothing H4403 clay H2563 heap up - Job 22:24; 1 Kings 10:27; Habakkuk 2:6; Zechariah 9:3 prepare raiment - Matth [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:17

Job 27:17 pile H3559 (H8686) just H6662 wear H3847 (H8799) innocent H5355 divide H2505 (H8799) silver H3701 but the just - Proverbs 13:22, Proverbs 28:8; Ecclesiastes 2:26... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:18

Job 27:18 builds H1129 (H8804) house H1004 moth H6211 booth H5521 watchman H5341 (H8802) makes H6213 (H8804) as a moth - Job 8:14-15; Isaiah 51:8 as a booth - Isaiah 1:8, Isaiah 38:12;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:19

Job 27:19 rich H6223 down H7901 (H8799) gathered H622 (H8735) opens H6491 (H8804) eyes H5869 shall lie - Job 14:13-15, Job 21:23-26, Job 21:30, Job 30:23 gathered - Genesis 49:10 [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:20

Job 27:20 Terrors H1091 overtake H5381 (H8686) flood H4325 tempest H5492 away H1589 (H8804) night H3915 Terrors - Job 15:21, Job 18:11, Job 22:16; Psalms 18:4, Psalms 42:7,... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:21

Job 27:21 east H6921 away H5375 (H8799) gone H3212 (H8799) out H8175 (H8762) place H4725 east wind - Jeremiah 18:17; Hosea 13:15 a storm - Exodus 9:23-25; Psalms 11:6, Psal [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:22

Job 27:22 hurls H7993 (H8686) spare H2550 (H8799) flees H1272 (H8799) desperately H1272 (H8800) power H3027 For God - Exodus 9:14; Deuteronomy 32:23; Joshua 10:11 not spare - Deuteronomy 29:20;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 27:23

Job 27:23 clap H5606 (H8799) hands H3709 hiss H8319 (H8799) place H4725 clap - Esther 9:22-25; Proverbs 11:10; Lamentations 2:15; Revelation 18:20 hiss him - 1 Kings 9:8;... [ Continue Reading ]

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