Job 40:2

Job 40:2 contends H7378 (H8800) Almighty H7706 correct H3250 rebukes H3198 (H8688) God H433 answer H6030 (H8799) Shall - Job 9:3, Job 33:13; Ecclesiastes 6:10; Isaiah 45:9-11,... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:4

Job 40:4 vile H7043 (H8804) answer H7725 (H8686) lay H7760 (H8804) hand H3027 over H3926 mouth H6310 Behold - Job 42:6; Genesis 18:27, Genesis 32:10; 2 Samuel 24:10;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:5

Job 40:5 Once H259 spoken H1696 (H8765) answer H6030 (H8799) twice H8147 further H3254 (H8686) but I will not - Job 34:31-32; Romans 3:19 twice - Job 33:14; 2 Kings 6:10; Psalms 62:11 [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:6

Job 40:6 LORD H3068 answered H6030 (H8799) Job H347 whirlwind H5591 said H559 (H8799) out - Job 38:1; Psalms 50:3-4; Hebrews 12:18-20; 2 Peter 3:10-12... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:7

Job 40:7 prepare H247 (H8798) yourself H2504 man H1397 question H7592 (H8799) answer H3045 (H8685) Gird - Job 13:22, Job 23:3-4, Job 38:3 I - Job 42:4... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:8

Job 40:8 annul H6565 (H8686) judgment H4941 condemn H7561 (H8686) justified H6663 (H8799) Wilt - Psalms 51:4; Romans 3:4 disannul - Isaiah 14:27, Isaiah 28:18; Galatians 3:15,... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:9

Job 40:9 arm H2220 God H410 thunder H7481 (H8686) voice H6963 Hast - Job 9:4, Job 23:6, Job 33:12-13; Exodus 15:6; Psalms 89:10, Psalms 89:13; Isai [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:10

Job 40:10 adorn H5710 (H8798) majesty H1347 splendor H1363 array H3847 (H8799) glory H1935 beauty H1926 Deck - Job 39:19; Psalms 93:1, Psalms 104:1-2; Isaiah 59:17 majesty -... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:11

Job 40:11 Disperse H6327 (H8685) rage H5678 wrath H639 Look H7200 (H8798) proud H1343 humble H8213 (H8685) Cast - Job 20:23, Job 27:22; Deuteronomy 32:22; Psalms 78:49-50,... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:12

Job 40:12 Look H7200 (H8798) proud H1343 low H3665 (H8685) down H1915 (H8798) wicked H7563 tread - Psalms 60:12; Proverbs 15:25; Isaiah 10:6; Zechariah 10:5; Malachi 4:3;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:13

Job 40:13 Hide H2934 (H8798) dust H6083 together H3162 Bind H2280 (H8798) faces H6440 hidden H2934 (H8803) Hide - Job 14:13; Psalms 49:14; Isaiah 2:10 bind - Job 36:13;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:14

Job 40:14 confess H3034 (H8686) hand H3225 save H3467 (H8686) that - Psalms 44:3, Psalms 44:6; Isaiah 40:29; Romans 5:6; Ephesians 2:4-9... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:15

Job 40:15 behemoth H930 made H6213 (H8804) eats H398 (H8799) grass H2682 ox H1241 behemoth - Job 40:15-24 which - Genesis 1:24-26 he - Job 40:20, Job 39:8; Psalms 104:14... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:17

Job 40:17 moves H2654 (H8799) tail H2180 cedar H730 sinews H1517 thighs H6344 knit H8276 (H8792) moveth - or, setteth up the - Job 41:23... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:19

Job 40:19 first H7225 ways H1870 God H410 made H6213 (H8802) near H5066 (H8686) sword H2719 the chief - Job 26:13; Psalms 104:24 he that - Psalms 7:12; Isaiah 27:1... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:20

Job 40:20 mountains H2022 yield H5375 (H8799) food H944 beasts H2416 field H7704 play H7832 (H8762) the mountains - Job 40:15; Psalms 147:8-9 where - Psalms 104:14, Psalms 104:26... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:21

Job 40:21 lies H7901 (H8799) trees H6628 covert H5643 reeds H7070 marsh H1207 the reed - Isaiah 19:6-7, Isaiah 35:7... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:22

Job 40:22 trees H6628 cover H5526 (H8799) shade H6752 willows H6155 brook H5158 surround H5437 (H8799) the willows - Leviticus 23:40; Isaiah 15:7; Ezekiel 17:5... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 40:23

Job 40:23 river H5104 rage H6231 (H8799) disturbed H2648 (H8799) confident H982 (H8799) Jordan H3383 gushes H1518 (H8799) mouth H6310 drinketh - Heb. oppresseth, Isaiah 37:25 hasteth - Psalms 55:8; Isaiah 28:16 [ Continue Reading ]

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