Leviticus 16:1

Leviticus 16:1 LORD H3068 spoke H1696 (H8762) Moses H4872 after H310 death H4194 two H8147 sons H1121 Aaron H175 offered H7126 (H8800) before H6440 LORD H3068 died H4191 (H8799) Leviticus 10:1-2... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:2

Leviticus 16:2 LORD H3068 said H559 (H8799) Moses H4872 Tell H1696 (H8761) Aaron H175 brother H251 come H935 (H8799) time H6256 Holy H6944 inside H1004 veil H6532 before H6440 seat H3727 ark H727 die H4191 (H8799 [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:3

Leviticus 16:3 Thus H2063 Aaron H175 come H935 (H8799) Holy H6944 young H1121 H1241 bull H6499 offering H2403 ram H352 offering H5930 Aaron - Hebrews 9:7, Hebrews 9:12, Hebrews 9:24-25 a young -... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:4

Leviticus 16:4 put H3847 (H8799) holy H6944 linen H906 tunic H3801 linen H906 trousers H4370 body H1320 girded H2296 (H8799) linen H906 sash H73 linen H906 turban H4701 attired H6801 (H8799) These H1992 holy H6944 garments... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:5

Leviticus 16:5 take H3947 (H8799) congregation H5712 children H1121 Israel H3478 two H8147 kids H8163 goats H5795 offering H2403 one H259 ram H352 offering H5930 Leviticus 4:14, Leviticus 8:2, L [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:6

Leviticus 16:6 Aaron H175 offer H7126 (H8689) bull H6499 offering H2403 himself H1157 atonement H3722 (H8765) house H1004 which - Leviticus 8:14-17; Hebrews 9:7 for himself - Leviticus 9:7; Ezra 10:18-19 [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:7

Leviticus 16:7 take H3947 (H8804) two H8147 goats H8163 present H5975 (H8689) before H6440 LORD H3068 door H6607 tabernacle H168 meeting H4150 Azazel - Map1 I0010 Leviticus 1:3, Leviticus 4:4, Leviticus 12:6-7;... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:8

Leviticus 16:8 Aaron H175 cast H5414 (H8804) lots H1486 two H8147 goats H8163 one H259 lot H1486 LORD H3068 other H259 lot H1486 scapegoat H5799 cast lots - Numbers 26:55, Numbers 33:54;... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:9

Leviticus 16:9 Aaron H175 bring H7126 (H8689) goat H8163 LORDS H3068 lot H1486 fell H5927 (H8804) offer H6213 (H8804) offering H2403 upon which - Acts 2:23, Acts 4:27-28... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:10

Leviticus 16:10 goat H8163 lot H1486 fell H5927 (H8804) scapegoat H5799 presented H5975 (H8714) alive H2416 before H6440 LORD H3068 atonement H3722 (H8763) go H7971 (H8763) scapegoat H5799 wilderness H4057 the scapegoat -... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:11

Leviticus 16:11 Aaron H175 bring H7126 (H8689) bull H6499 offering H2403 atonement H3722 (H8765) house H1004 kill H7819 (H8804) bull H6499 offering H2403 Leviticus 16:3, Leviticus 16:6... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:12

Leviticus 16:12 shall H3947 (H8804) censer H4289 full H4393 burning H784 coals H1513 fire H784 altar H4196 before H6440 LORD H3068 hands H2651 full H4393 sweet H5561 incense H7004 fine H1851 bring H935 (H8689) inside H1004 veil... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:13

Leviticus 16:13 put H5414 (H8804) incense H7004 fire H784 before H6440 LORD H3068 cloud H6051 incense H7004 cover H3680 (H8765) seat H3727 Testimony H5715 die H4191 (H8799) And he - Exodus 30:1, Exodus 30:7- [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:14

Leviticus 16:14 take H3947 (H8804) blood H1818 bull H6499 sprinkle H5137 (H8689) finger H676 seat H3727 east H6924 before H6440 seat H3727 sprinkle H5137 (H8686) blood H1818 finger H676 seven H7651 times H6471... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:15

Leviticus 16:15 kill H7819 (H8804) goat H8163 offering H2403 people H5971 bring H935 (H8689) blood H1818 inside H1004 veil H6532 do H6213 (H8804) blood H1818 did H6213 (H8804) blood H1818 bull H6499 sprinkle H5137 ... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:16

Leviticus 16:16 atonement H3722 (H8765) Holy H6944 uncleanness H2932 children H1121 Israel H3478 transgressions H6588 sins H2403 do H6213 (H8799) tabernacle H168 meeting H4150 remains H7931 (H8802) midst H8432 uncleanness H2932 an atonement -... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:17

Leviticus 16:17 man H120 tabernacle H168 meeting H4150 goes H935 (H8800) atonement H3722 (H8763) Holy H6944 out H3318 (H8800) atonement H3722 (H8765) household H1004 assembly H6951 Israel H3478 no man - Exodus 34:3;... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:18

Leviticus 16:18 out H3318 (H8804) altar H4196 before H6440 LORD H3068 atonement H3722 (H8765) take H3947 (H8804) blood H1818 bull H6499 blood H1818 goat H8163 put H5414 (H8804) horns H7161 altar H4196 around H5439... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:19

Leviticus 16:19 sprinkle H5137 (H8689) blood H1818 finger H676 seven H7651 times H6471 cleanse H2891 (H8765) consecrate H6942 (H8765) uncleanness H2932 children H1121 Israel H3478 Ezekiel 43:18-22; Zechariah 13:1... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:20

Leviticus 16:20 end H3615 (H8765) atoning H3722 (H8763) Holy H6944 tabernacle H168 meeting H4150 altar H4196 bring H7126 (H8689) live H2416 goat H8163 reconciling - Leviticus 16:16, Leviticus 6:30,... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:21

Leviticus 16:21 Aaron H175 lay H5564 (H8804) both H8147 hands H3027 head H7218 live H2416 goat H8163 confess H3034 (H8694) iniquities H5771 children H1121 Israel H3478 transgressions H6588 sins H2403 putting H5414 (H8804) head H7218 goat... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:22

Leviticus 16:22 goat H8163 bear H5375 (H8804) iniquities H5771 uninhabited H1509 land H776 release H7971 (H8765) goat H8163 wilderness H4057 bear upon - Isaiah 53:11-12; John 1:29; Galatians 3:13;... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:23

Leviticus 16:23 Aaron H175 come H935 (H8804) tabernacle H168 meeting H4150 off H6584 (H8804) linen H906 garments H899 on H3847 (H8804) went H935 (H8800) Holy H6944 leave H3240 (H8689) Leviticus 16:4;... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:24

Leviticus 16:24 wash H7364 (H8804) body H1320 water H4325 holy H6918 place H4725 on H3847 (H8804) garments H899 out H3318 (H8804) offer H6213 (H8804) offering H5930 offering H5930 people H5971 atonement H3722 (H8765) people... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:25

Leviticus 16:25 fat H2459 offering H2403 burn H6999 (H8686) altar H4196 Leviticus 16:6, Leviticus 4:8-10, Leviticus 4:19; Exodus 29:13... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:26

Leviticus 16:26 released H7971 (H8764) goat H8163 scapegoat H5799 wash H3526 (H8762) clothes H899 bathe H7364 (H8804) body H1320 water H4325 afterward H310 come H935 (H8799) camp H4264 he that - Leviticus 16:10,... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:27

Leviticus 16:27 bull H6499 offering H2403 goat H8163 offering H2403 blood H1818 in H935 (H8717) atonement H3722 (H8763) Holy H6944 carried H3318 (H8686) outside H2351 camp H4264 burn H8313 (H8804) fire H784 skins H5785 flesh... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:28

Leviticus 16:28 burns H8313 (H8802) wash H3526 (H8762) clothes H899 bathe H7364 (H8804) body H1320 water H4325 afterward H310 come H935 (H8799) camp H4264 Leviticus 16:26... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:29

Leviticus 16:29 statute H2708 forever H5769 seventh H7637 month H2320 tenth H6218 month H2320 afflict H6031 (H8762) souls H5315 do H6213 (H8799) work H4399 country H249 stranger H1616 dwells H1481 (H8802) among H8432 you in the seventh -... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:30

Leviticus 16:30 day H3117 atonement H3722 (H8762) cleanse H2891 (H8763) clean H2891 (H8799) sins H2403 before H6440 LORD H3068 Psalms 51:2, Psalms 51:7, Psalms 51:10; Jeremiah 33:8; [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:31

Leviticus 16:31 sabbath H7676 rest H7677 afflict H6031 (H8765) souls H5315 statute H2708 forever H5769 Leviticus 23:32, Leviticus 25:4; Exodus 31:15, Exodus 35:2... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:32

Leviticus 16:32 priest H3548 anointed H4886 (H8799) consecrated H4390 (H8762) H3027 priest H3547 (H8763) fathers H1 atonement H3722 (H8765) on H3847 (H8804) linen H906 clothes H899 holy H6944 garments H899 the priest -... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:33

Leviticus 16:33 atonement H3722 (H8765) Holy H6944 Sanctuary H4720 atonement H3722 (H8762) tabernacle H168 meeting H4150 altar H4196 atonement H3722 (H8762) priests H3548 people H5971 assembly H6951 Leviticus 16:6,... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:34

Leviticus 16:34 everlasting H5769 statute H2708 atonement H3722 (H8763) children H1121 Israel H3478 sins H2403 once H259 year H8141 did H6213 (H8799) LORD H3068 commanded H6680 (H8765) Moses H4872 an everlasting - Leviticus 23:31;... [ Continue Reading ]

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