Proverbs 23:1

Proverbs 23:1 down H3427 (H8799) eat H3898 (H8800) ruler H4910 (H8802) Consider H995 (H8799) carefully H995 (H8800) before H6440 Genesis 43:32-34; Jude 1:12... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:2

Proverbs 23:2 put H7760 (H8804) knife H7915 throat H3930 given H1167 appetite H5315 Matthew 18:8-9; 1 Corinthians 9:27; Php_3:19... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:3

Proverbs 23:3 desire H183 (H8691) delicacies H4303 deceptive H3577 food H3899 Proverbs 23:6; Psalms 141:4; Daniel 1:8; Luke 21:34; Ephesians 4:22... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:4

Proverbs 23:4 overwork H3021 (H8799) rich H6238 (H8687) understanding H998 cease H2308 (H8798) Labour - Proverbs 28:20; John 6:27; 1 Timothy 6:8-10 cease - Proverbs 3:5, Proverbs 26:12;... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:5

Proverbs 23:5 set H5774 (H8686) (H8675) H5774 (H8799) eyes H5869 certainly H6213 (H8800) make H6213 (H8799) wings H3671 away H5774 (H8799) (H8675) H5774 (H8687) eagle H5404 heaven H8064 thou -... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:6

Proverbs 23:6 eat H3898 (H8799) bread H3899 miser H7451 H5869 desire H183 (H8691) delicacies H4303 an - Proverbs 22:9; Deuteronomy 15:9, Deuteronomy 28:56; Matthew 20:15;... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:7

Proverbs 23:7 thinks H8176 (H8804) heart H5315 Eat H398 (H8798) drink H8354 (H8798) says H559 (H8799) heart H3820 as - Proverbs 19:22; Matthew 9:3-4; Luke 7:39 Eat - Judges 16:15 [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:9

Proverbs 23:9 speak H1696 (H8762) hearing H241 fool H3684 despise H936 (H8799) wisdom H7922 words H4405 Speak - Proverbs 9:7-8, Proverbs 26:4-5; Isaiah 36:21; Matthew 7:6;... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:10

Proverbs 23:10 remove H5253 (H8686) ancient H5769 landmark H1366 enter H935 (H8799) fields H7704 fatherless H3490 Remove - Proverbs 22:28; Deuteronomy 19:14, Deuteronomy 27:17; Job 24:2 landmark - or, bound fatherless -... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:11

Proverbs 23:11 Redeemer H1350 (H8802) mighty H2389 plead H7378 (H8799) cause H7379 Proverbs 22:23; Exodus 22:22-24; Deuteronomy 27:19; Psalms 12:5; Jeremiah 50:33-34,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:12

Proverbs 23:12 Apply H935 (H8685) heart H3820 instruction H4148 ears H241 words H561 knowledge H1847 Proverbs 23:19, Proverbs 2:2-6, Proverbs 5:1-2, Proverbs 22:17; Ezekiel 33:31;... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:13

Proverbs 23:13 withhold H4513 (H8799) correction H4148 child H5288 beat H5221 (H8686) rod H7626 die H4191 (H8799) Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 19:18, Proverbs 29:15, Proverbs 29:17... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:14

Proverbs 23:14 beat H5221 (H8686) rod H7626 deliver H5337 (H8686) soul H5315 hell H7585 Proverbs 22:15; 1 Corinthians 5:5, 1 Corinthians 11:32... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:15

Proverbs 23:15 son H1121 heart H3820 wise H2449 (H8804) heart H3820 rejoice H8055 myself H589 My son - Proverbs 1:10, Proverbs 2:1, Proverbs 4:1; Matthew 9:2; John 21:5;... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:16

Proverbs 23:16 being H3629 rejoice H5937 (H8799) lips H8193 speak H1696 (H8763) things H4339 thy - Proverbs 8:6; Ephesians 4:29, Ephesians 5:4; Colossians 4:4; James 3:2... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:17

Proverbs 23:17 heart H3820 envy H7065 (H8762) sinners H2400 fear H3374 LORD H3068 day H3117 not - Proverbs 3:31, Proverbs 24:1; Psalms 37:1-3, Psalms 73:3-7 be thou - Proverbs 15:16,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:18

Proverbs 23:18 is H3426 hereafter H319 hope H8615 off H3772 (H8735) surely - Psalms 37:37; Jeremiah 29:11; Luke 16:25; Romans 6:21-22 end - or, reward, Proverbs 24:14; Hebrews 1 [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:19

Proverbs 23:19 Hear H8085 (H8798) son H1121 wise H2449 (H8798) guide H833 (H8761) heart H3820 way H1870 and guide - Proverbs 23:12, Proverbs 23:26, Proverbs 4:10-23 in the way - That is "in the right way.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:20

Proverbs 23:20 winebibbers H3196 H5433 (H8802) eaters H2151 (H8802) meat H1320 not - Proverbs 23:29-35, Proverbs 20:1, Proverbs 28:7, Proverbs 31:6-7; Isaiah 5:11,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:21

Proverbs 23:21 drunkard H5433 (H8802) glutton H2151 (H8802) poverty H3423 (H8735) drowsiness H5124 clothe H3847 (H8686) rags H7168 the drunkard - Proverbs 21:17; Deuteronomy 21:20; Isaiah 28:1-3;... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:22

Proverbs 23:22 Listen H8085 (H8798) father H1 begot H3205 (H8804) despise H936 (H8799) mother H517 old H2204 (H8804) Hearken - Proverbs 1:8, Proverbs 6:20; Deuteronomy 21:18-21,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:23

Proverbs 23:23 Buy H7069 (H8798) truth H571 sell H4376 (H8799) wisdom H2451 instruction H4148 understanding H998 Buy - Proverbs 2:2-4, Proverbs 4:5-7, Proverbs 10:1, Proverbs 16:16,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:24

Proverbs 23:24 father H1 righteous H6662 greatly H1524 rejoice H1523 (H8799) begets H3205 (H8802) wise H2450 delight H8055 (H8799) father - Proverbs 23:15-16, Proverbs 10:1, Proverbs 15:20;... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:25

Proverbs 23:25 father H1 mother H517 glad H8055 (H8799) bore H3205 (H8802) rejoice H1523 (H8799) and she - Proverbs 17:25; 1 Chronicles 4:9-10; Luke 1:31-33, Luke 1:40-47,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:26

Proverbs 23:26 son H1121 give H5414 (H8798) heart H3820 eyes H5869 observe H7521 (H8799) H5341 (H8799) ways H1870 My son - Proverbs 23:15 give - Proverbs 4:23; Deuteronomy 6:5;... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:28

Proverbs 23:28 wait H693 (H8799) victim H2863 increases H3254 (H8686) unfaithful H898 (H8802) men H120 as for a prey - or, as a robber, Proverbs 2:16-19, Proverbs 7:12, Proverbs 7:22-27, Proverbs 9:18,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:29

Proverbs 23:29 woe H188 sorrow H17 contentions H4079 (H8675) H4066 complaints H7879 wounds H6482 cause H2600 redness H2448 eyes H5869 Who hath woe - Proverbs 23:21, Proverbs 20:1; 1 Samuel 25:36-37;... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:30

Proverbs 23:30 long H309 (H8764) wine H3196 go H935 (H8802) mixed H2713 (H8800) wine H4469 tarry - Proverbs 20:1; Genesis 9:21; Isaiah 5:11; Amos 6:6; Ephesians 5:18 mixed - [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:31

Proverbs 23:31 look H7200 (H8799) wine H3196 red H119 (H8691) sparkles H5414 (H8799) H5869 cup H3563 (H8675) H3599 around H1980 (H8691) smoothly H4339 Proverbs 6:25; 2 Samuel 11:2 [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:32

Proverbs 23:32 last H319 bites H5391 (H8799) serpent H5175 stings H6567 (H8686) viper H6848 At - Proverbs 5:11; Isaiah 28:3, Isaiah 28:7-8; Jeremiah 5:31; Exodus 7:5-6,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:33

Proverbs 23:33 eyes H5869 see H7200 (H8799) things H2114 (H8801) heart H3820 utter H1696 (H8762) things H8419 eyes - Genesis 19:32-38 and - Proverbs 31:5; Psalms 69:12; Daniel 5:4;... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:34

Proverbs 23:34 down H7901 (H8802) midst H3820 sea H3220 lies H7901 (H8802) top H7218 mast H2260 thou - 1 Samuel 25:33-38, 1 Samuel 30:16-17; 2 Samuel 13:28; 1 Kings 16:9,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 23:35

Proverbs 23:35 struck H5221 (H8689) hurt H2470 (H8804) beaten H1986 (H8804) feel H3045 (H8804) awake H6974 (H8686) seek H1245 (H8762) another H3254 (H8686) stricken - Proverbs 27:22; Jeremiah 5:3,... [ Continue Reading ]

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