Proverbs 26:1

Proverbs 26:1 snow H7950 summer H7019 rain H4306 harvest H7105 honor H3519 fitting H5000 fool H3684 in summer - 1 Samuel 12:17-18 so - Proverbs 26:3, Proverbs 28:16; Judges 9:7, Judges 9:20,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:2

Proverbs 26:2 flitting H5110 (H8800) sparrow H6833 flying H5774 (H8800) swallow H1866 curse H7045 cause H2600 alight H935 (H8799) so - Numbers 23:8; Deuteronomy 23:4-5; 1 Samuel 14:28-29,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:3

Proverbs 26:3 whip H7752 horse H5483 bridle H4964 donkey H2543 rod H7626 fools H3684 back H1460 Proverbs 10:13, Proverbs 17:10, Proverbs 19:25, Proverbs 27:22; Judges 8:5-7;... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:4

Proverbs 26:4 answer H6030 (H8799) fool H3684 folly H200 like H7737 (H8799) Proverbs 17:14; Judges 12:1-6; 2 Samuel 19:41-43; 1 Kings 12:14, 1 Kings 12:16;... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:5

Proverbs 26:5 Answer H6030 (H8798) fool H3684 folly H200 wise H2450 eyes H5869 a fool - 1 Kings 22:24-28; Jeremiah 36:17-18; Matthew 15:1-3, Matthew 16:1-4, Matthew 21:23-27,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:6

Proverbs 26:6 sends H7971 (H8802) message H1697 hand H3027 fool H3684 off H7096 (H8764) feet H7272 drinks H8354 (H8802) violence H2555 sendeth - Proverbs 10:26, Proverbs 13:17, Proverbs 25:13;... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:7

Proverbs 26:7 legs H7785 lame H6455 limp H1809 (H8804) proverb H4912 mouth H6310 fools H3684 not equal - Heb. lifted up so - Proverbs 26:9, Proverbs 17:7; Psalms 50:16-21, Psalms 64:8; Matthew [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:8

Proverbs 26:8 binds H6872 (H8675) H6887 (H8800) stone H68 sling H4773 gives H5414 (H8802) honor H3519 fool H3684 so - Proverbs 26:1, Proverbs 19:10, Proverbs 30:22... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:10

Proverbs 26:10 great H7227 formed H2342 (H8789) Gives H7936 fool H3684 hire H7936 (H8802) transgressor H5674 (H8802) wages H7936 (H8802) both - Proverbs 11:31; Romans 2:6... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:11

Proverbs 26:11 dog H3611 returns H7725 (H8804) vomit H6892 fool H3684 repeats H8138 (H8802) folly H200 a dog - Exodus 8:15; Matthew 12:45; 2 Peter 2:22 returneth to his folly - Heb. iterateth his folly... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:12

Proverbs 26:12 see H7200 (H8804) man H376 wise H2450 eyes H5869 hope H8615 fool H3684 Seest - Proverbs 22:29, Proverbs 29:20; Matthew 21:31; Luke 7:44 a man - Proverbs 26:5,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:13

Proverbs 26:13 lazy H6102 says H559 (H8804) lion H7826 road H1870 lion H738 streets H7339 Proverbs 15:19, Proverbs 19:15, Proverbs 22:13... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:14

Proverbs 26:14 door H1817 turns H5437 (H8735) hinges H6735 lazy H6102 bed H4296 Proverbs 6:9-10, Proverbs 12:24, Proverbs 12:27, Proverbs 24:33; Hebrews 6:12... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:15

Proverbs 26:15 lazy H6102 buries H2934 (H8804) hand H3027 bowl H6747 wearies H3811 (H8738) back H7725 (H8687) mouth H6310 slothful - Proverbs 19:24 it grieveth him - or, he is weary... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:16

Proverbs 26:16 lazy H6102 wiser H2450 eyes H5869 men H7651 answer H7725 (H8688) sensibly H2940 Proverbs 26:12, Proverbs 12:15; 1 Peter 3:15... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:17

Proverbs 26:17 by H5674 (H8802) meddles H5674 (H8693) quarrel H7379 takes H2388 (H8688) dog H3611 ears H241 passeth - Proverbs 17:11, Proverbs 18:6, Proverbs 20:3; Luke 12:14;... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:18

Proverbs 26:18 madman H3856 (H8700) throws H3384 (H8802) firebrands H2131 arrows H2671 death H4194 firebrands - Heb. flames, or sparks arrows - Proverbs 7:23, Proverbs 25:18; Genesis 49:23... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:19

Proverbs 26:19 man H376 deceives H7411 (H8765) neighbor H7453 says H559 (H8804) joking H7832 (H8764) and - Proverbs 10:23, Proverbs 14:9, Proverbs 15:21; Ephesians 5:4;... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:20

Proverbs 26:20 no H657 wood H6086 fire H784 out H3518 (H8799) talebearer H5372 strife H4066 ceases H8367 (H8799) Where no wood is - Heb. Without wood so - Proverbs 26:22, Proverbs 16:28, Proverbs 22:10; James 3 [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:21

Proverbs 26:21 charcoal H6352 coals H1513 wood H6086 fire H784 contentious H4079 (H8675) H4066 man H376 kindle H2787 (H8771) strife H7379 Proverbs 10:12, Proverbs 15:18, Proverbs 29:22,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:22

Proverbs 26:22 words H1697 talebearer H5372 trifles H3859 (H8693) down H3381 (H8804) inmost H2315 body H990 words - Proverbs 18:8, Proverbs 20:19; Ezekiel 22:9 innermost parts - Heb. chambers... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:23

Proverbs 26:23 Fervent H1814 (H8801) lips H8193 wicked H7451 heart H3820 earthenware H2789 covered H6823 (H8794) silver H3701 dross H5509 Proverbs 10:18; 2 Samuel 20:9-10; Ezekiel 33:31;... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:24

Proverbs 26:24 hates H8130 (H8802) disguises H5234 (H8735) lips H8193 up H7896 (H8799) deceit H4820 within H7130 dissembleth - or, is known deceit - Proverbs 11:1, Proverbs 12:5, Proverbs 12:17, Proverb [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:25

Proverbs 26:25 speaks H6963 kindly H2603 (H8762) believe H539 (H8686) seven H7651 abominations H8441 heart H3820 speaketh fair - Heb. maketh his voice gracious, Psalms 12:2, Psalms 28:3; Jeremiah 9:2-8; Micah 7:5 believe -... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:26

Proverbs 26:26 hatred H8135 covered H3680 (H8691) deceit H4860 wickedness H7451 revealed H1540 (H8735) assembly H6951 Whose hatred is covered by deceit - or, Hatred is covered in secret, Genesis 4:8; 1 Samuel 18:17, 1 Samuel 18:21; 2 Samuel 3:2 [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:27

Proverbs 26:27 digs H3738 (H8802) pit H7845 fall H5307 (H8799) rolls H1556 (H8802) stone H68 back H7725 (H8799) diggeth - Proverbs 28:10; Esther 7:10; Psalms 7:15-16,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 26:28

Proverbs 26:28 lying H8267 tongue H3956 hates H8130 (H8799) crushed H1790 flattering H2509 mouth H6310 works H6213 (H8799) ruin H4072 lying - John 8:40, John 8:44-49, John 10:32-33,... [ Continue Reading ]

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