_The Messiah sits in his kingdom at the right hand of God, his_
_enemies being subdued under him_, 1, 2.
_The nature and extent of his government_, 3.
_His everlasting priesthood_, 4.
THE LORD SAID UNTO MY LORD - In the Hebrew, “Spake Jehovah to my
Lord.” The word יהוה _Yahweh_ is the incommunicable name of God.
It is never given to a created being. The other word translated
Psalms 110
The Psalm of the King-Priest
_ 1. His person, exaltation and waiting (Psalms 110:1)_
2. His manifestation and His glory (Psalms 110:2)
3. His judgment and His glory ...
CX. We may with some confidence refer this Ps. to 141 B.C., when Simon
the Maccabee prince was accepted by the people as supreme Governor,
though he was not a descendant of David, and as High Priest,...
TITLE.. PSALM. Hebrew. _mizmor._ App-65.
OF DAVID. Relating to the true David, and interpreted of Him and by
Him. See note below.
THE LORD. Hebrew. _Jehovah._ App-4. Quoted in Matthew 22:41; Acts
Psalms 110:1. The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The Lord shall send the rod
of thy streng...
_The kingdom, the priesthood, the conquest, and the passion of
A Psalm of David.
_TITLE._ מזמור לדוד _LEDAVID MIZMOR._— It is universally
agreed, that this psalm was composed by David: and...
A Revelation, THROUGH DAVID TO his lord, the Messiah.
(See the lines prefixed to the Stanzas of the Psalm.)
(Lm.) By DavidPsalm.
(1. David records a Revelati...
Though His reign on earth shall then openly begin, He shall, as God,
no less than now, continue to sit on His heavenly throne, which he
mounted at His ascension. Acts 2:31 goes upon the supposition t...
110:1 said (c-5) As Genesis 22:16 ; Psalms 36:1 ....
Lit. 'Oracle of Jehovah to my lord.' The Psalmist seems to hear God
addressing the king, whom Jehovah invites to a seat at His right hand,
the place of honour. Our Lord applies this v. in the Messiani...
A fragment of an ode of victory to a priestking—'Worthy,' says
Luther,' to be set in a frame of gold and diamonds.' A truly Messianic
Ps., finding its fulfilment in the triumphs of Christ in the world...
Psalms 107:150
The *Pharisees met together. Jesus asked them a question. He said,
"What do you think about the *Christ? Whose son is he?" They said to
THE LORD SAID... — The usual prophetic phrase, generally translated,
“Thus saith,” &c. (See Note, Psalms 36:1.)
The psalmist may possibly be quoting an old prophetic saying, but,
according to the usu...
לְ דָוִ֗ד מִ֫זְמֹ֥ור נְאֻ֤ם יְהוָ֨ה ׀
לַֽ אדֹ
Psalms 110:1
Does our Lord's attribution of this psalm to David foreclose the
question of its authorship for those who accept His authority? Many,
who fully recognise and reverently bow to that author...
Psalms 110:1
Luther describes this psalm as “the true, high, main psalm of our
beloved Lord Jesus Christ.” Our Lord attributed it to David, in the
power of the Hol...
This psalm is purely Messianic, and was always considered to be so.
When Jesus quoted it in His conversation with the rulers, it is
perfectly evident that they looked upon it in that light. It is
"A Psalm of David." The (a) LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my
right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
(a) Jesus Christ in (Matthew 22:44) gives the interpretation of this,
and show...
Alleluia. This psalm consists of praise, and is alphabetical,
(Berthier) the sixteen first letters being found at the head of each
hemistic, to ver. 8; and in the 9th and 10th, we find the six last
In this glorious Psalm, and in the Spirit of prophecy, the sacred
writer celebrates the person, kingdom, priesthood, prophetical office,
and character of the Lord Jesus. The whole of this po...
1_Jehovah said to my Lord _(320) What is here stated might to some
extent be applied to the person of David, inasmuch as he neither
ascended the royal throne illegally, nor did he find his way to it b...
Psalms 110, though of the very highest interest, is in application so
simple that it needs but brief comment. The despised and poor man,
hated for his love, is David's Lord, and called to sit at the r...
THE LORD SAID UNTO MY LORD,.... The Targum is,
"the Lord said in his Word.''
Galatinus q says the true Targum of Jonathan has it,
"the Lord said to his Word;''
and produces an authority for it. Th...
Psalms 110:1 «A Psalm of David. » The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit
thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
_A Psalm of David_] Concerning Christ, saith R. Obadiah, and so say...
_The Lord said unto my Lord_ נאם יהוה לאדני, _neum Jehovah
ladoni, the saying_, or _decree_, that is, I record the saying or
decree _of Jehohovah to my Lord_, that is, to his Son the Messiah,
whom I a...
A psalm of David, altogether prophetic in character, setting before
the Church of the Old Testament the Messiah as the Lord of David. No
other psalm, no ot...
The Lord said unto my Lord, literally, "Declaration of Jehovah to my
Lord," David here recording what he, in the spirit, heard Jehovah, the
God of heaven, say to his Lord, the Messiah, SIT THOU AT MY...
PSALM 110 THE ARGUMENT That the penman of this Psalm was not Eliezer,
Abraham's servant, who writ it upon the occasion of Abraham's victory
over those kings, GE 14, (as some of the later Jews have dev...
The importance of Psalm 110 is attested by the remarkable prominence
given to it in the New Testament .
(1) It affirms the deity of Jesus, thus answering those who deny th...
Psalms 110:1. _The LORD said unto my Lord._
Or Jehovah said unto my Adonai.
Psalms 110:1. _Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies
thy footstool. The LORD shall send the rod of thy str...
Psalms 110:1. _The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
until I make thine enemies thy footstool._
Here we see the Christ,-whom we just now saw as risen from the dead,
and acknowledged...
Psalms 110:1. _The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The Lord shall send the rod
of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine...
CONTENTS: The Messiah promised to the fathers and expected by them.
CHARACTERS: God, David, Christ.
CONCLUSION: Christ is the rightful Lord whose title is incontestable.
He will certainly come to ta...
Of David, or of any other mere man, this psalm cannot be understood.
Of the Messiah, and only of him, it was understood in the ancient
church. The rabbi Joden, as in Poole's Synopsis, cites rabbi Chij...
_The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit Thou at My right hand, until I make
Thine enemies Thy footstool _
The title ascribes this psalm to David, which is confirmed by its
PSALM PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 110:1. This is a royal psalm (see also
Psalms 2:1; Psalms 18:1
1. From internal evidence.
2. From the unanimous consent of Jewish expositors.
3. From the testimony of Christ (Matthew 22:41, &c.; Mark 12:35).
4. From the si...
ACCORDING to the recent criticism, which calls itself "advanced," this
psalm is the composition of an unknown prophet, addressed to his
earthly sovereign, communicating to him certain Divin...
The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make
thine enemies thy footstool (Psalms 110:1).
This immediately gives to us the indication that this is one of those
Messianic psalms....
1 Corinthians 15:25; 1 Peter 3:22; Acts 2:34; Ephesians 1:20;...
The Lord — God the father. Said — Decreed it from eternity, and in
due time published this decree, and actually executed it; which he did
when he raised up Christ from the dead, and brought him into h...