"In his hand seven stars." We are told what they mean; the messengers or ministers to the churches. "Out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword." Observe that the sword was in his mouth, not in his hand. Christ's weapons, by which he conquers the world, are spiritual; not carnal. Christ conquers by his word, not by armies with guns. This imagery corresponds with Paul's who says: "The sword of the Spirit which is the word of God." We find this sword again in the nineteenth chapter proceeding out of his mouth by which he subdues and conquers his enemies. When Christ leads armies with a sword in his mouth, it is the triumph of the gospel. "His countenance as the sun shineth in his strength." Let the churches know that their Redeemer is mighty and glorious; that his rule is from sea to sea and from pole to pole, and therefore they need not fear the conflict, nor doubt the final outcome.

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Old Testament

New Testament