This chapter is the prelude to the end of this section. The section
ends with chapter XL The opening of the seals and the sounding of the
trumpets have led up to the final scene in this part of Revelation;
and the tenth chapter is preliminary to the culmination. It is to be
observed that... [ Continue Reading ]
A mighty angel comes down from heaven. Heretofore the standpoint of
the visions seemed to be in heaven; now it seems to be earth. This
angel comes down to earth. Who is this angel? I take it that this
angel is Jesus Christ himself, because of the description of his
having a rainbow upon his head; hi... [ Continue Reading ]
He had in his hand a little book open; rather opened. Considerable
interest attaches to this book. What was this book? Why was it opened?
Why called a little book? What did it contain? What relation did it
bear to the book put in Christ's hand in the fifth chapter? Was it the
same book or was it a n... [ Continue Reading ]
These verses tell us that the bearer of this open book cried with a
loud voice and seven thunders uttered their voices. The seven thunders
uttered something in words, for John was about to write it, but a
voice from heaven told him to seal them up and not write these things
which the seven thunders... [ Continue Reading ]
These verses tell us that this heavenly messenger lifted up his hand
as he stood upon the sea and upon the earth, and swore by the Creator
of the universe that time should be no longer. This cannot mean that
all time was at an end. On no scheme of interpretation could that be
true. The rest of the b... [ Continue Reading ]
We are here told that when the seventh angel sounds, and it will be
soon, he is just about to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished;
not all mystery, but as he hath declared by the prophets, doubtless
here it is the judgments long foretold against Jerusalem for her
apostasy and persecution. Fo... [ Continue Reading ]
Here we are shown that John, at the command of the voice from heaven,
takes the book from the angel's hand and eats it. In his mouth it was
sweet and in his belly it was bitter. There were some things glad and
some things sad in the events revealed in that book, and about to be
revealed. It was a ma... [ Continue Reading ]
"And he said to me: Thou must prophesy again before (or rather
concerning) many people, nations, tongues and kings.' " Though this
book was ended and all its seals opened there would be other things to
follow and we will see that this was true in the next half of
Revelation.... [ Continue Reading ]