"And the woman fled into the wilderness where she hath a place prepared of God." Since the Devil could not destroy Jesus Christ he could still persecute the church. This indicates the condition which the church has to face and is the forecast of the scenes that are to follow. Persecution is the Devil's work from the beginning, and the church early felt his power. But God is the protector of the church and has her safely provided for; "a place prepared of God where they should feed her 1260 days. This 1260 days is a term borrowed from Daniel where it was a period of persecution, and has become the symbol of any period of persecution. And as long as the Devil persecutes the church the Lord will protect and feed her. Thus early in this section we have the outline of the story, the persecution of the church and the divine protection and deliverance. The completed section will fill in the outline.

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Old Testament

New Testament