6. Philadelphia.

Vs. 7-13. Here is a church on which Christ bestows unmixed praise. She had "little strength"; few in numbers and poor in resources. The vicissitudes of the city, because of earthquakes in the lava formation, perhaps kept them in poverty. But poor in this world's goods they were rich toward God. Continued dependence on God and his providence is fruitful of trust and fellowship. Observe again that this town whose church was the salt of the earth has withstood the vicissitudes of the ages and exists today a monument of God's protecting power. Christ's promise to it was: "Because thou hast kept my word I will keep thee from the hour of temptation which will come upon all the world."

Philadelphia had her trials from that same "synagogue of Satan" that troubled Smyrna; but the crowning triumph of her piety and faithfulness is expressed thus: "I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." The power of their testimony and the piety of their lives conquered and won their enemies. What triumph could exceed that? The earnest, faithful, godly church will not be without her fruits in the conversion of the world. To such a church the Lord has presented "an open door."

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