Verse 57. _THEY - STOPPED THEIR EARS_] As a proof that he had uttered blasphemy, because he said, _He saw Jesus standing at the_ _right hand of God_. This was a fearful proof against them; for if Jes...
THEN THEY CRIED OUT - That is, probably, “the people,” not the members of the council It is evident he was put to death in a popular tumult. They had charged him with blasphemy; and they regarded what...
CHAPTER 7 _ 1. The Address of Stephen (Acts 7:1)._ 2. The Martyrdom of Stephen (Acts 7:54). This is the largest chapter in this book and concludes the first section. Stephen is the chosen instrumen...
STEPHEN'S DEFENCE (Acts 7:1-7) When Oliver Cromwell was outlining the education he thought necessary for his son Richard, he said, "I would have him know a little history." It was to the lesson of hi...
As they listened to this their very hearts were torn with vexation and they gnashed their teeth at him. But he was full of the Holy Spirit and he gazed steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God...
LOUD. great, i.e. the shout of the crowd in indignation. STOPPED. held tight. Greek. _sunecho._ See Luke 4:38. RAN. rushed. WITH ONE ACCORD. Greek. _homothumadon._ See note on Acts 1:14....
_Then they cried out_ Better, BUT, &c. _and stopped their ears_ Thus shewing that they merited the description given in Acts 7:51. The verb signifies, to compress, to hold tight together. On the acti...
ΚΡΆΞΑΝΤΕΣ ΔΈ, _but they cried out_ … _and,_ &c. ΣΥΝΈΣΧΟΝ ΤᾺ ὮΤΑ, _stopped their ears_, thus shewing that they merited the description given in Acts 7:51. The verb signifies to compress, to hold tight...
_STEPHEN, THE FIRST CHRISTIAN MARTYR ACTS 7:51-60:_ Stephen charged the people with: (1) being stiff necked, (2) uncircumcised in heart, (3) resisting the Holy Ghost, and (4) failing to keep the word...
THEN THEY CRIED OUT, &C.— "This declaration and reference provoked them to such a degree, that crying out with a loud voice that they might drown that of Stephen, they stopped their own ears, as if th...
See notes on verse 54...
Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord, THEN THEY CRIED OUT WITH A LOUD VOICE, AND STOPPED THEIR EARS, AND RAN UPON HIM WITH ONE ACCORD. Comp...
41 Idolatry is, etymologically, the offering of divine service to that which can be perceived by the senses. In this way, all objects of worship, even if they are supposed to be representations of the...
DEFENCE AND MARTYRDOM OF STEPHEN 1-53. Speech of Stephen. There is every reason to believe that this speech was really delivered by St. Stephen, and not composed by St. Luke; for, (1) the speech does...
STOPPED THEIR EARS] because they regarded his words as blasphemous....
GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE ACTS _MARION ADAMS_ CHAPTER 7 STEPHEN’S SPEECH, PART 1: ABRAHAM’S *FAITH IN GOD, 7:1-8 V1 The *high priest asked Stephen, ‘Is this true?’ V2 Stephen replied, ‘Listen, brot...
RAN UPON HIM WITH ONE ACCORD. — The violence reported presents a singular contrast to the general observance of the forms of a fair trial in our Lord’s condemnation. Then, however, we must remember, t...
κράξαντες : so as to silence him. συνέσχον τὰ ὦτα αὐτῶν : in order that the words which they regarded as so impious should not be heard, _cf._ Matthew 26:65. Blass compares the phrase LXX, Isaiah 52:1...
A MARTYR'S GLORIOUS DEATH Acts 7:47-60 Words like these could not be forgiven. The growing irritation of the audience seems to have extorted those burning remonstrances, and to have hastened the fin...
The charge against Stephen was that he had spoken against the Temple and the Law. His reply consisted of a masterly review of the history of the nation from the calling of Abraham to the rejection of...
Stephen Slain For Preaching the Truth Like their fathers before them, Stephen accused the members of the council of having necks so rock hard that they could not bow before God. Though they had been c...
(10) Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and (a) ran upon him with one accord, (10) The zeal of hypocrites and superstitious people eventually breaks out into a most open m...
Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. (52) Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain...
First of all we see man in an entirely new place man risen from among the dead and ascending to heaven. The risen ascended man, Christ Jesus, is the new starting-point of the dealings of God. The firs...
57._Crying with a loud voice. _This was either a vain show of zeal, as hypocrites are almost always pricked forward with ambition to break out into immoderate heat; as Caiaphas when he heard Christ sa...
Stephen, [11] as far as we are told, had not known the Lord during His life on earth. Certainly he was not appointed, like the apostles, to be a witness of that life. He was simply the instrument of t...
THEN THEY CRIED OUT WITH A LOUD VOICE,.... These were not the sanhedrim, but the common people; the Ethiopic version reads, "the Jews cried out"; which, they did, in a very clamorous way, either throu...
Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord, Ver. 57. _Ran upon him_] Being acted and agitated by the devil, who had now wholly possessed them; so...
_Then they cried out with a loud voice_ Being provoked to such a degree that they could not contain themselves, and meaning to drown the voice of Stephen; _and stopped their ears_ As if they could not...
STOPPED THEIR EARS; as if unwilling to hear words which they affected to regard as blasphemous....
The stoning of Stephen:...
The high priest only asks the question, "Are these things so?" Then God provides room for Stephen to speak without interruption for some time. This stands in striking contrast to the way in which the...
THEN THEY CRIED OUT WITH A LOUD VOICE, STOPPED THEIR EARS, AND RAN AT HIM WITH ONE ACCORD; 1. This was more than they could stand to hear. 2. They shouted with a loud voice to drown out his speech....
But they cried out with. loud voice, and stopped their ears, and rushed upon him with one accord; 'RUSHED UPON HIM WITH ONE ACCORD'-'rushed at him like one man' (Mof)....
54-60 Nothing is so comfortable to dying saints, or so encouraging to suffering saints, as to see Jesus at the right hand of God: blessed be God, by faith we may see him there. Stephen offered up two...
THEY CRIED OUT; the rabble, or multitude. STOPPED THEIR EARS; that they might show their great detestation of what was said, and might not contract any guilt from it. AND RAN UPON HIM WITH ONE ACCORD:...
Acts 7:57 Then G1161 out G2896 (G5660) loud G3173 voice G5456 stopped G4912 (G5627) their G846 ears...
THE FINAL CONCLUSION (7:54-60). Learned judges do not like those who are on trial trying to convict them of being criminals, and as they were unwilling to admit that they were wrong the result was in...
‘But they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and rushed on him with one accord, and they cast him out of the city, and stoned him. Everything broke at once. They could no longer rest...
Acts 7:57. THEN THEY CRIED OUT WITH A LOUD VOICE. When they heard Stephen in his awful joy saying that he beheld ‘the Crucified' encircled with the visible glory, thus boldly confessing that the Sheki...
STOPPED THEIR EARS (συνεσχον τα ωτα αυτων). Second aorist active of συνεχω, to hold together. They held their ears together with their hands and affected to believe Stephen guilty of blasphemy (cf....
Acts 6; Acts 7 Stephen. From the history of Stephen we learn: I. That fidelity to truth provokes antagonism; holiness and sin are mutually repellent; love and selfishness are the opposites of each o...
CONTENTS: Address of Stephen before the council. Stephen martyred. CHARACTERS: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Stephen, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Pharaoh, Moses, Pharaoh's daughter, Aaron, Solomon, Sau...
The scope and design of St. Stephen's defence before the council will be better understood, if it be properly analyzed. The rulers construed his defence to import, that the glory of their temple shoul...
WITH A LOUD CRY. Some seventy-two solemn councilmen, who are official guardians of the Law, become a "howling mob." _McGarvey_ says: "But the maddest pranks ever played upon this mad earth are witness...
_Then they cried with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him._ THE FIRST GOSPEL MARTYR I. The matter for which he died. II. The Divine assistance which he experienced. III. The com...
_CRITICAL REMARKS_ Acts 7:54. CUT TO THE HEART.—See on Acts 7:33. The word describes a keener pang than “pricked “in Acts 2:37. GNASHED ON HIM WITH THEIR TEETH.—Lit. _snapped their teeth against him_,...
EXPOSITION ACTS 7:1 _And the high priest said _for then _said the high priest, _A.V. The high priest spoke as president of the Sanhedrim (see Acts 9:1. Acts 9:1 and...
Let's turn tonight to Acts chapter 7. In the early church when a dispute arose among the Grecians--that is, those Jews of the Grecian culture. They were actually Jews, but they had followed the Grecia...
Acts 21:27; Acts 23:27; Acts 7:54; Proverbs 21:13; Psalms 58:4;...
Stopped [σ υ ν ε σ χ ο ν]. Lit., held together....
STEPHEN'S LAST WORDS AND MARTYRDOM Acts 7:44 INTRODUCTORY WORDS Let us, by way of opening word, speak a few words on two great benefactions to Israel (see Acts 7:44). 1. THE FATHERS HAD THE TABERNA...
They rushed upon him — Before any sentence passed....