Verse John 13:17. _IF YE KNOW THESE THINGS, HAPPY_, c.] True _happiness_ consists in the _knowledge_ of God, and in _obedience_ to him. A man is not happy because he _knows_ much but because he recei...
THE SERVANT IS NOT ... - This was universally true, and this they were to remember always, that they were to manifest the same spirit that he did, and that they were to expect the same treatment from...
CHAPTER 13 _ 1. The Washing of the Disciples' Feet. (John 13:1 .)_ 2. Instructions given; to Wash One Another's Feet. (John 13:12 .) 3. The Betrayal Foretold. (John 13:18 .) 4. His Own Departure an...
THE MEANING OF THE ACT: THE ONE EXCEPTION. The disciples recognise in Him their teacher and master. They should, therefore, follow His example by helping each other even in the lowliest services. The...
IF YE KNOW THESE THINGS, HAPPY ARE YE IF YE DO THEM. Know what things? Of course they knew that Christ had washed their feet. But did they know what it meant? The meaning is clearly, "If ye understand...
Before the Festival of the Passover, Jesus, in the knowledge that his hour had come to leave this world and to go to the Father, although he had always loved his own people in the world, decided to sh...
THE ROYALTY OF SERVICE (John 13:1-17)...
_happy are ye if ye do them_ Better, BLESSED _are ye_, &c. It is the same Greek word as is used in John 20:29 and in the Beatitudes both in S. Matthew and in S. Luke. Comp. Luke 11:28; Luke 12:43;...
ΜΑΚΆΡΙΟΊ ἘΣΤΕ. BLESSED _are ye_, as in the Beatitudes: comp. John 20:29; Revelation 1:3; Revelation 14:13, &c. Knowledge must influence conduct. Εἰ introduces the general supposition, _if ye know;_ ἐά...
Ver 12. So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said to them, Know you what I have done to you? 13. You call me Master and Lord: and you say well; for...
_JESUS WASHED THE FEET OF HIS DISCIPLES -- JOHN 13:1-20:_ The time was just before Passover. Jesus knew that the time of His death was at hand. He would soon leave this world and return to the Father....
DISCOURSE: 1679 PRACTICAL RELIGION ENFORCED John 13:17. _If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them_. SO little was the virtue of humility understood among the heathen, that neither the Gree...
THE LESSON ON LOVING SERVICE _Text 13:12-20_ 12 So when he had washed their feet, and taken his garments, and sat down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you? 13 Ye call me, Te...
EXPOSITION OF THE GOSPEL OF JOHN John 13:12-20 The following is given as an Analysis of the second section of John 13:— The opening portion of John 13 makes known the provision which Divine love has...
If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them. IF YE KNOW THESE THINGS, HAPPY ARE YE IF YE DO THEM. A hint that even among real Christians the doing of such things would come lamentably shor...
The most menial service the Lord could perform for them was the washing of their feet. No wonder Peter protested! He has not fully learned the lesson that the Lord is abasing Himself even to death, be...
THE LAST SUPPER 1-17. The Supper and the Feet-washing. This supper is identified by almost all modern authorities with the Last Supper, which took place on Thursday night at Jerusalem (Matthew 26:20;...
JOHN TELLS THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT JESUS GOSPEL OF JOHN _MARION ADAMS_ CHAPTER 13 JESUS WASHES HIS *DISCIPLES’ FEET 13:1-11 V1 It was the day before the *Passover. Jesus knew that it was time for hi...
IF YE KNOW THESE THINGS, HAPPY ARE YE IF YE DO THEM. — The first clause of this verse assumes their knowledge of the things which He had been teaching them (John 13:13). They were, indeed, old lessons...
VI. _ THE FOOT-WASHING._ "Now before the feast of the Passover, Jesus knowing that His hour was come that He should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved His own which were in the wor...
These are obvious first principles in Christian discipleship, but the mere knowledge of them is not enough: εἰ ταῦτα οἴδατε, μακάριοί ἐστε ἐὰν ποιῆτε αὐτά. ταῦτα refers to what Jesus had just declared...
_Jesus washes the disciples' feet and explains His action_....
THE MASTER'S EXAMPLE John 13:12-20 Notwithstanding His great humility, Jesus expects to be regarded as Master and Lord; do we so call and treat Him? We must be as willing to obey Him as a soldier to...
For a time our Lord now devoted Himself to His own, and in this connection we have the account of His washing the disciples' feet. The whole action was Eastern, and was the action of a slave: By what...
FOOT-WASHING John 13:1-20. “And before the feast of the Passover, Jesus, knowing that the hour has come that He must depart out of this world to His Father, having loved His own in the world with Divi...
THIRD PART: THE DEVELOPMENT OF FAITH IN THE DISCIPLES. 13:1- 17:26. THE third part of the Gospel describes the last moments which Jesus passed with His disciples; while making us acquainted with the s...
“ _When therefore he had washed their feet and taken his garments again, having resumed his seat at table_, _he said to them, Know you what I have done to you?_ 13. _You call me Master and Lord_, _and...
ADDITIONAL NOTES BY THE AMERICAN EDITOR. Vv. 12-20. 1. The explanation of the act performed by Jesus which is here given evidently points towards humility, and thus is easily connected with the dispu...
And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's s on, to betray him; (3) Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was c...
The point at which we have arrived gives me an opportunity of saying a little on the beginning of this chapter, and the end of the last; for it is well known that many men, and, I am sorry to add, not...
_MISSIONARY SERVICE_ ‘If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.’ John 13:17 I. THERE IS A TEST by which the reality of discipleship is proved. II. IT FORMS THE SUBSTANCE OF THE TEACHI...
17._If you know these things. _He declares that they _are happy_, _if they _know _and _do _these things_; for _knowledge _is not entitled to be called true, unless it produce such an effect on believe...
Now, then, the Lord has taken His place as going to the Father. The time was come for it. He takes His place above, according to the counsels of God, and is no longer in connection with a world that h...
IF YE KNOW THESE THINGS,.... The duties they owed to him, and one another; those kind offices of love and respect to each other; the humility, condescension, and brotherly love, which ought to be in t...
If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them. Ver. 17. _If ye know these things, &c._] Knowledge without practice is but as rain in the middle region; or as a horn in the unicorn's head, which...
_Verily, the servant is not greater than his lord_ And therefore ought not to think much either of doing or suffering the same things. _If ye know these things_ Therefore, knowing your duty in this pa...
THESE THINGS; the truths which he had been teaching them. In imitating the example of Christ, especially his humility, condescension, and kindness-in believing his declarations, trusting in his merits...
IF YE KNOW THESE THINGS, HAPPY ARE YE IF YE DO THEM. Jesus finished His self-imposed, deliberate task; He wanted it impressed upon the memories of the disciples. He then took His upper garments once m...
The application of the washing of feet to the disciples:...
WASHING HIS DISCIPLES' FEET (vs.1-17) We are brought now to consider the last hours of the Lord Jesus before the cross. No longer does He minister to the world, but to His own disciples, from chapte...
1-17 Our Lord Jesus has a people in the world that are his own; he has purchased them, and paid dear for them, and he has set them apart for himself; they devote themselves to him as a peculiar peopl...
He tells them, that it is not the bare comprehension of these things in their notion that would do them any good, unless they brought their knowledge into practice; for _to him that knoweth to do good...
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book VI And the Lord says: "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them."[152]...
John 13:17 If G1487 know G1492 (G5758) things G5023 blessed G3107 you G2075 (G5748) if G1437 do...
“With the strongest emphasis (truly, truly) I tell you, a slave is not greater than his Lord, nor is one who is sent (Gk. ‘an apostle', one who is sent) greater than the one who sent him. If you know...
THE WASHING OF THE FEET: A LESSON IN HUMILITY (JOHN 13:1). Two major lessons come out from this passage. The first is that of the example that Jesus was giving of true humility in love and service. He...
John 13:17. IF YE KNOW THESE THINGS, HAPPY ARE YE IF YE DO THEM. Simple as might appear the duty to which the disciples were called, Jesus knew that it was a hard and trying task. He connects therefor...
We enter here upon the fifth of those sections into which we have seen that the Gospel is divided; and the section extends to the close of chap. 17. The scene and the circumstances of the actors in it...
IF YE KNOW (ε οιδατε). Condition of first class assumed as true, ε and present (οιδατε used as present) active indicative.IF YE DO (εαν ποιητε). Third-class condition, εαν and present active subj...
John 13:17 All Light Good I. Light of any kind invariably throws light upon duty, and if we know anything, we are sure to have thereby a clearer knowledge of right from wrong. The mere awakening of t...
John 13:1 The Washing of the Feet When we seek to wash a brother's feet we must be very careful about three things, which I give in the quaint way in which I have somewhere seen them expressed. I. ...
John 13:1. _Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved...
John 13:1. _Now before the feast of the passover,_ Or, just as it was about to begin, John 13:1. _When Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, havi...
CONTENTS: Last Passover. Jesus washes disciples' feet. Betrayal foretold, also Peter's denial. CHARACTERS: Jesus, God, Judas, disciples, Peter, Satan. CONCLUSION: What was consistent with the dignity...
John 13:1. _Before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come._ What now transpired was on the Tuesday, while at supper in the house of Simon. Judas was now rebuked before all p...
IF YOU PUT IT INTO PRACTICE! That is, if you understand the lesson I have acted out for you, and will always show this _spirit_ in your conduct....
_Now before the feast of the Passover._ A THREE-FOLD MARVEL I. A MARVELLOUS LOVE: that of Christ for His own. Marvellous in respect of 1. Its time. (1) Before the feast of the Passover, when His t...
JOHN 13:1 The Farewell Teaching and the Passion Narrative. The second half of John’s Gospel consists of Jesus’ farewell teaching (chs. John 13:1) and the events surrounding his death and resurrection...
1-38 CHAPTER 13 VER. 1. _Before the Feast of the Passover._ About the thirteenth day of the first month; the Passover, say the Greeks, having to be celebrated by the Law of the Jews on the fourteenth...
_EXPLANATORY AND CRITICAL NOTES_ John 13:1. BEFORE THE FEAST, ETC.—Jesus came to Jerusalem steadfastly resolved to finish the work given Him to do (Luke 12:50, etc.). These words are not to be connect...
Let's turn to the thirteenth chapter of the gospel according to John. We have come into a new section of the gospel of John, which carries us through chapter 17. And Chapter s 13 through 17 cover a pe...
2 Corinthians 5:14; 2 Corinthians 5:15; Exodus 40:16; Ezekiel 36:27;...
Happy [μ α κ α ρ ι ο ι]. Better, as Rev., blessed. See on Matthew 5:3....
Our Lord here intimates unto us these two things: 1. The necessity of knowledge, in order unto practice. 2. The necessity of practice, in order unto happiness. A man may know the will of God indeed,...