Charles Rose Commentaries
Matthew 22:43
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Verse Matthew 22:43. _How then doth David in spirit_ (or _by the Spirit _- by the inspiration of the Spirit of God) _call him Lord? saying,_ __...
JESUS PROPOSES A QUESTION CONCERNING THE MESSIAH - See also Mark 12:35; Luke 20:41. Matthew 22:41 WHILE THE PHARISEES ... - Jesus, having confounded th
10. THE PARABLE OF THE MARRIAGE FEAST. The King's Answers and His Question. CHAPTER 22 1. The Parable of the Marriage Feast. (Matthew 22:1 .) 2. The Herodians Answered. (Matthew 22:15 .) 3. The Sad...
IS MESSIAH DAVID'S SON? (Mark 12:35 *, Luke 20:41). Mt. brings the Pharisees into the incident, and makes the statement that Messiah is David's son their direct answer to a question by Jesus. Hence (t...
JOY AND JUDGMENT (Matthew 22:1-10)...
When the Pharisees had come together, Jesus asked them a question: "What is your opinion about The Anointed One? Whose son is he?" "David's son, they said. He said to them, "How, then, does David in t...
IN. by, as in Matthew 22:1. SPIRIT. Greek. _pneum_ a. App-101....
THE SON OF DAVID Mark 12:35-37; Luke 20:41-44...
Ver 41. While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, 42. Saying, "What think ye of Christ? whose son is he?" They say unto him, "The Son of David." 43. He saith unto them, "How then d...
_THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT AND AN IMPOSSIBLE QUESTION MATTHEW 22:34-46:_ The Pharisees Jesus asked about the greatest commandment. He gave them that and more. "You shall love the Lord your God with all...
DISCOURSE: 1392 CHRIST THE SON AND LORD OF DAVID Matthew 22:42. What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, The Son of David. He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call hi...
WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST?— The Pharisees having, in the course of our Lord's ministry, proposed sundry difficult questions to him, with a view to try his prophetical gifts; he, in his turn, now that a...
D. JESUS-' QUESTION ON THE SON OF DAVID (Parallels: Mark 12:35-37; Luke 20:41-44) TEXT: 22:41-46 41 Now while the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them a question, 42 saying, What think...
While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, For the exposition, see the notes at Mark 12:35. For this long and terrible discourse we are indebted, with the exception of a few ver...
24 From their subsequent course (Act_23:8), it is evident that the Sadducees were not convinced. Their difficulty was deeper. It was in the heart. Though they could not answer, they could refuse to be...
22:43 saying, (a-14) Psalms 110:1 ....
PARABLES OF THE MARRIAGE OF THE KING'S SON AND THE WEDDING GARMENT 1-14. Marriage of the King's Son (peculiar to St. Matthew). Jesus concludes His discourse by reiterating in still clearer and stronge...
THE TITLE SON OF DAVID (Mark 12:35; Luke 20:41). A saying of Jesus from the oldest tradition, of great doctrinal importance. He declares Himself dissatisfied with the honourable title of Son of David,...
DAVID] The question has been raised whether our Lord here definitely decides the Davidic authorship of Psalms 110. Probably not. His object is to show that the Pharisees' low view of the Messiah is in...
MATTHEW’S GOOD NEWS MATTHEW’S *GOSPEL _HILDA BRIGHT_ CHAPTER 22 THE STORY ABOUT THE WEDDING MEAL 22:1-14 V1 Jesus told them some more stories. V2 ‘Where God rules, it is like this’, he said. ‘A...
DOTH DAVID IN SPIRIT CALL HIM LORD? — The words assume (1) that David was the writer of Psalms 110; (2) that in writing it, he was guided by a Spirit higher than his own; (3) that the subject of it wa...
6; Matthew 22:1; Matthew 23:1 CHAPTER 17 Conflict in the Temple - Matthew 21:18 - Matthew 22:1 -...
πῶς οὖν, etc.: the question is meant to bring out another side of Messiah's relation to David, based on an admittedly Messianic oracle (Psalms 110:1), and overlooked by the scribes. The object of the...
_Counter question of Jesus_ (Mark 12:35-37; Luke 20:41-44). Not meant merely to puzzle or silence foes, or even to hint a mysterious doctrine as to the Speaker's person, but to make Pharisees and scri...
THE SUMMARY OF THE LAW Matthew 22:34-46 Our Lord seemed to say: “Here is all Scripture in a nutshell; the whole range of human duty in a portable pocket form.” We are reminded of Ecclesiastes 12:13....
The first two parables contained the history of the Hebrew nation up to the slaying of the Son. This one is prophetic. It presents the sin of this people in the light of the day of grace. The King sen...
CHRIST THE SON OF DAVID Mark 12:35-37; Luke 20:41-44; Matthew 22:41-46. “And the Pharisees being assembled, Jesus asked them, saying, What do you think concerning the Christ? Whose Son is He? They say...
"But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together. (35) Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, (36)...
We now enter on the Lord's final presentation of Himself to Jerusalem, traced, however, from Jericho; that is, from the city which had once been the stronghold of the power of the Canaanite. The Lord...
43._How then does David by the Spirit call him Lord. _The assertion made by Christ, that _David _spoke _by the Spirit, _is emphatic; for he contrasts the prediction of a future event with the testimon...
In chapter 22, their conduct with respect to the invitations of grace is presented in its turn. The parable is therefore a similitude of the kingdom of heaven. The purpose of God is to honour His Son...
HE SAITH UNTO THEM,.... Not denying it to be a truth they affirmed; but rather granting and allowing it: he argues upon it, though he tacitly refuses their sense and meaning of the phrase, thus, HOW...
He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying, Ver. 43. _How then doth David in spirit_] The Spirit possessed David after a sort, and by his mouth uttered what he would publ...
_While the Pharisees were gathered_, &c. That is, during this conference, expecting to have found an opportunity to insnare him, as he was still teaching the people in the temple; _Jesus asked them_ “...
IN SPIRIT; speaking under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Psalms 110:1....
Driving home the conclusion:...
The parable of Chapter 21 has shown Israel as under law, responsible to return to God some results of the blessing with which He had entrusted them. Under responsibility they had not only failed, but...
41-46 When Christ baffled his enemies, he asked what thoughts they had of the promised Messiah? How he could be the Son of David and yet his Lord? He quotes Psalms 110:1. If the Christ was to be a me...
Epistle of Barnabas of David, fearing and understanding the error of the wicked, he saith, "The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit at My right hand, until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool."[183] Irenaeus...
Matthew 22:43 said G3004 (G5719) them G846 How G4459 then G3767 David G1138 in G1722 Spirit G4151 call...
JESUS IS NOT JUST DAVID'S SON, HE IS DAVID'S LORD (22:41-46). Just as the Sermon on the Mount was preceded by a revelation of the glorious light that had burst on the world in Jesus (Matthew 4:16) so...
‘He says to them, “How then does David in the Spirit call him Lord, saying,” But Jesus then turns their minds to the Scriptures, and He refers them to Psalms 110; Psalms 110 was a psalm ‘of David' and...
Matthew 22:43. HOW THEN DOTH DAVID IN THE SPIRIT, _i.e._, by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost; comp. Mark 12:36: ‘by the Holy Ghost' CALL HIM LORD. Solemnly designate Him thus, implying superiority...
Matthew 22:41-46. THE FINAL ENCOUNTER. in which our Lord by His question respecting the Messiah, puts an end to further attempts to ‘ensnare Him by a word.' Mark and Luke say: ‘No man after that' (_i....
The defeated and embittered Pharisees send the Herodians to ensnare our Lord with a political question. The reply sends them away in astonishment (Matthew 22:15-21). The Sadducees now appear with a fl...
CONTENTS: Parable of the marriage feast. Jesus' answer to the Herodians. Sadducees and Pharisees. CHARACTERS: God, Jesus, lawyer. CONCLUSION: The gospel call bids all to the great marriage feast. Som...
Matthew 22:2. _The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king which made a marriage for his son._ The marriage of the heir apparent, giving stability to the throne, protection to the subject, and g...
43-44. WHY THEN? The Holy Spirit caused David to speak of his descendant as "Lord." Jesus quotes Psalms 110:1 to show this is true. The Jews believed that David wrote that psalm, and that it spoke of...
_What think ye of Christ?_ I. There are some who never think of Christ at all. II. There are some who deem it unnecessary to have fixed thoughts about Christ. III. There are some who have many thou...
MATTHEW—NOTE ON MATTHEW 22:41 Jesus now ASKED the Pharisees about the long-awaited Messiah (THE CHRIST), WHOSE SON IS HE? Their reply, The son of David
CHAPTER 22 _And Jesus answered_, &c., refuting the incredulity of the Scribes. The meaning is: it is the same in the kingdom of Heaven, _i.e._, in the Church militant here on earth, as if a king made...
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Matthew 22:44. SIT THOU ON MY RIGHT HAND.—As having gloriously finished the work which was given Thee to do, and in which I rest satisfied and well pleased (_Morison_). As My co-rege...
EXPOSITION MATTHEW 22:1 _Parable of the marriage of the king_'_s son. _(Peculiar to St. Matthew.) MATTHEW 22:1 JESUS ANSWERED AND SPAKE UNTO THEM. After they had heard our Lord's words at the end...
And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables (Matthew 22:1), Now He is still there, and He is laying on them these parables. And He said, The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king...
2 Peter 1:21; 2 Samuel 23:2; Acts 1:16; Acts 2:30; Acts 2:31;...
How doth David then by the Spirit — By inspiration, call him Lord? If he be merely the son (or descendant) of David? If he be, as you suppose, a mere man, the son of a man?...