Verse Matthew 3:17. _IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED._] εν ω ενδακησα _in whom I_ _have delighted _- though it is supposed that the _past_ tense is here used for the _present_: but Matthew 17:5. By this _v...
A VOICE FROM HEAVEN - A voice from God. This was probably heard by all who were present. This voice, or sound, was repeated on the mount of transfiguration, Matthew 17:5; Luke 9:35; 2 Peter 1:17. It w...
3. THE HERALD OF THE KING; THE ENTRANCE UPON HIS PUBLIC MINISTRY. __ 1. The Herald of the King. (Matthew 3:1 .) 2. His Message and His Baptism. (Matthew 3:7 .) 3. The King in Jordan's Waters. (Matth...
THE BAPTISM OF JESUS (Mark 1:9 *, Luke 3:21 f.). Matthew 3:14 f. (Mt. only) meets the objection to the acceptance by a sinless Jesus of a baptism connected with repentance (p. 661). Jesus maintains (s...
VOICE FROM HEAVEN. Three times God speaks from heaven in connection with the ministry of Christ-at his baptism, his transfiguration, and in the temple just before his passion. THOU ART MY BELOVED SO...
Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John to be baptized by him. But John tried to prevent him. "It is I, he said, "who need to be baptized by you, and are you coming to me?" Jesus answered h...
A VOICE. There were two voices: the first "Thou art", &c. (Mark 1:11.Luke 3:22; Luke 3:22), while the Spirit in bodily form was descending; the second (introduced by the word "lo"), "this is", &c, aft...
Jesus comes to be baptized of John. Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; John 1:32-34 St Luke adds two particulars: that the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus (1) "in a bodily shape," and (2) "while He was prayin...
_a voice from heaven_ Thrice during our Lord's ministry it is recorded that a voice from heaven came to Him. The two other occasions were at the Transfiguration and in the week of the Passion (John 12...
JESUS COMES TO BE BAPTIZED OF JOHN Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; John 1:32-34. St Luke adds two particulars: that the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus (1) “in a bodily shape,” and (2) “while He was prayin...
ΦΩΝῊ ἘΚ ΤΩ͂Ν ΟΥ̓ΡΑΝΩ͂Ν. Thrice during our Lord’s ministry it is recorded that a voice from heaven came to Him. The two other occasions were at the Transfiguration and in the week of the Passion (John...
VER 17. AND LO A VOICE FROM HEAVEN, SAYING, "THIS IS MY BELOVED SON, IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED." Aug., non occ.: Not as before by Moses and the Prophets, neither in type or figure did the Father teac...
_JOHN BAPTIZED JESUS TO FULFILL RIGHTEOUSNESS MATTHEW 3:13-17:_ Years ago a lady told me that since Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist that made Jesus a Baptist. If my hair was cut by John the bar...
THIS IS MY BELOVED SON— As both St. Mark and St. Luke have it, _Thou art my beloved Son,_ one would be inclined to follow those copies of St. Matthew which agree with them, rather than the more common...
SECTION 6. JESUS IS BAPTIZED BY JOHN (Parallels: Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; cf. John 1:29-34) TEXT: 3:13-17 13. Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to the Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. 14. But...
And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. AND LO A VOICE FROM HEAVEN, SAYING, THIS IS - Mark and Luke give it in the direct form, "Thou art" -- MY BEL...
16-17 Compare Joh_1:32-34. 16 As God's Spirit has no material form it is figured to us in various ways, which suggest its force and significance. It is usually presented as a blast of air, for this is...
APPEARANCE OF THE BAPTIST. BAPTISM OF JESUS 1-12. John the Baptist's ministry. The circumstances of John's birth are detailed in Luke 1 (see notes there). He was sanctified from birth to be the foreru...
BAPTISM OF JESUS (Mark 1:9; Luke 3:21; John 1:32). The Baptism of Jesus has more than one aspect and significance. To John it was with its miraculous accompaniments a sign that Jesus was the promised...
THIS IS] This represents the form in which the Baptist heard the words. 'Thou art' (Mk, Lk) represent the form in which Jesus heard them. MY BELOVED SON] cp. Matthew 17:5. The highest sense is to be g...
MATTHEW’S GOOD NEWS MATTHEW’S *GOSPEL _HILDA BRIGHT_ CHAPTER 3 THE WORK OF JOHN THE *BAPTIST 3:1-12 V1 In those days, John the *Baptist appeared in Judea’s wild country. V2 He taught the people...
A VOICE FROM HEAVEN. — The words were heard, so far as the record goes, as the sign was seen, by our Lord and the Baptist only. It was a testimony to them, and not to the multitude. The precise force...
CHAPTER 4 His Baptism - Matthew 3:13. "THE baptism of John, was it from Heaven or of men?" This question must have been asked throughout the length and breadth of the land in the days of his mission....
_The preternatural accompaniments_. These have been variously viewed as meant for the people, for the Baptist, and for Jesus. In my judgment they concern Jesus principally and in the first place, and...
_Jesus appears, His baptism and its accompaniments_ (Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22)....
BAPTIZED WITH THE SPIRIT Matthew 3:13-17 While John was denouncing the sins of others, he was very conscious of his own. He melted in holy humility before the one nature in which his keen eye detect...
Here ends the old prophetic line, John being the last of the Hebrew prophets. It found a fitting end in the stem ascetic who roused the nation and with vehement passion denounced their rebellion, and...
(8) And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am (p) well pleased. (8) Christ's full consecration and authorization to the office of mediator is shown by the Father's own...
This most solemn testimony of God the Father, relative to his own beloved Son, is repeated below in chap. xvii; and is of such great moment, that the Holy Ghost would have it repeated not only by thre...
CHAPTER 4 MINISTRY OF JOHN THE BAPTIST BY MATTHEW, MARK, AND LUKE Luke 3:1-2. “In the fifteenth year of the dominion of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, and Herod tetrarch of...
THE BAPTISM OF JESUS Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-23. _“Then Jesus comes from Galilee unto Jordan to John, to be baptized by him.”_ Our Lord was six months younger than John, and hence He a...
And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Here is everything that is solemn, sublime, and glorious to be contemplated in this transaction: but of the scene...
God has been pleased, in the separate accounts He has given us of our Lord Jesus, to display not only His own grace and wisdom, but the infinite excellency of His Son. It is our wisdom to seek to prof...
_THE VOICE OF THE SPIRIT_ ‘And Jesus, when He was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and l...
17.And, _lo, a voice from heaven _From that _opening of the heavens, _which has been already mentioned, a loud voice was heard, that its majesty might be more impressive. The public appearance of Chri...
We now begin His actual history. John the Baptist comes to prepare the way of Jehovah before Him, according to the prophecy of Isaiah; proclaiming that the kingdom of heaven was at hand, and calling o...
AND LO, A VOICE FROM HEAVEN, SAYING,.... At the same time the heavens were opened, and the Spirit of God descended as a dove, and lighted on Christ, and whilst it abode upon him, an extraordinary voic...
And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Ver. 17. _And, lo, a voice from heaven_] Whereupon St Peter foundeth the certainty of Christian faith and doctri...
_And lo!_ As a further token of the divine regard to Christ, and of the glorious dignity of his person, _a voice from heaven, saying_, to John, concerning Christ, _This is my beloved Son_, and to Chri...
A VOICE; the voice of God the father, acknowledging Christ as his beloved Son, and expressing his approbation of his character, office, and work....
The occasion must needs be marked by preternatural accompaniments:...
AND, LO, A VOICE FROM HEAVEN, SAYING, THIS IS MY BELOVED SON, IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED. Here was a revelation of the divine essence. As soon as Jesus had been baptized, He at once walked up the bank...
Though John was of a priestly family, this too is not mentioned. He does not preach in the temple, but in the wilderness of the river Jordan, at least thirteen miles from Jerusalem. For a priest to pr...
13-17 Christ's gracious condescensions are so surprising, that even the strongest believers at first can hardly believe them; so deep and mysterious, that even those who know his mind well, are apt t...
Ver. 16,17. This story is also related MARK 1:10,11 LU 3:21. Luke saith that _Jesus praying, the heaven was opened._ Mark saith, cloven asunder. It is most probable that the opening of the heavens men...
Dialogue of Justin For this devil, when [Jesus] went up from the river Jordan, at the time when the voice spake to Him, `Thou art my Son: this day have I begotten Thee, '[397] Tertullian A Treatise...
Matthew 3:17 And G2532 suddenly G2400 (G5628) voice G5456 from G1537 heaven G3772 saying G3004 (G5723) This...
‘And lo, a voice out of the heavens, saying, “This is my beloved Son, (or ‘My Son, the Beloved') in whom I am well pleased.” ' And then the Voice spoke from Heaven. Here was no whisper of a voice, the...
THE COMING ONE (3:11-17). John's large-scale ministry having been established in these few verses, Matthew now turns his attention to Jesus. We do not know how long John had been preaching before this...
THE MINISTRY OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. THE MESSIAH IS REVEALED TO THE WORLD (3:1-17). Many years had passed by of which Matthew tells us nothing. He is not concerned to give us a biography of Jesus' life....
A VOICE OUT OF THE HEAVENS (φωνη εκ των ουρανων). This was the voice of the Father to the Son whom he identifies as His Son, "my beloved Son." Thus each person of the Trinity is represented (Father,...
Matthew 3:1. _In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, and saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand._ There is no entering the kingdom of heaven with...
Matthew 3:13. _Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?_ Who among us would n...
CONTENTS: Ministry of John the Baptist and baptism of Jesus. CHARACTERS: God, Jesus, John. CONCLUSION: To follow Jesus in the waters of baptism is to publicly acknowledge our separation from sin, de...
Matthew 3:1. _In those days came John the Baptist._ When the time of the seventy weeks was fulfilled, when the sceptre was departed from Judah, and when all the east, according to Suetonius, expected...
AND THEN A VOICE. Three times God speaks from heaven in connection with Christ's ministry: at his baptism; at his transfiguration; and in the temple just before his suffering. THIS IS MY OWN DEAR SON....
MATTHEW—NOTE ON MATTHEW 3:17 The VOICE FROM HEAVEN confirms the eternal relationship that the Son and Father share. It also identifies Jesus as the messianic Son of God (Psalms 2:7
MATTHEW—NOTE ON MATTHEW 3:1 John the Baptist Prepares for the Messianic Kingdom. John now appears, preaching in the Judean desert. It is more than 25 years since Joseph and his family moved back to N...
JESUS ' BAPTISM MATTHEW 3:13-17; MARK 1:9-11; LUKE 3:21-22; MATTHEW 3:13 Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptize
CHAPTER 3 _In those days_, &c. This was in the fifteenth year of Tiberius, as S. Luke says, when John and Christ were about thirty years of age. Matthew passes at once from the childhood of Christ to...
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Matthew 3:13. JESUS … BAPTISED.—He received the rite as ratifying the mission of the great forerunner, and He also received it as the beautiful symbol of moral purification, and the...
EXPOSITION MATTHEW 3:1 THE HERALD. His public appearance and proclamation (Matthew 3:1, Matthew 3:2), as foretold by Scripture ...
Chapter Three In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea (Matthew 3:1). Now we have the silent years of Christ. We are jumping now from the return to Nazareth to the b...
2 Peter 1:17; Colossians 1:13; Ephesians 1:6; Isaiah 42:1; Isaiah 42:2
THE PREACHING AND BAPTISM OF JOHN Matthew 3:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS We wish to present the great theme of John the Baptist as he preached in the wilderness of Judea. 1. THERE IS THE POSITIVE STATEMENT...
And lo, a voice — We have here a glorious manifestation of the ever — blessed Trinity: the Father speaking from heaven, the Son spoken to, the Holy Ghost descending upon him. In whom I delight — What...