But I say that

(αλλ' οτ). The verb φημ (I say) must be repeated from verse 1 Corinthians 10:19 before οτ.To demons, and not to God

(δαιμονιοις κα ου θεω). Referring to LXX text of Deuteronomy 32:17. It is probable that by ου θεω Paul means "to a no-god" as also in Deuteronomy 32:21 επ' ουκ εθνε (by a no-people). This is Paul's reply to the heathen who claimed that they worshipped the gods represented by the images and not the mere wood or stone or metal idols. The word δαιμονια is an adjective δαιμονιος from δαιμων, an inferior deity, and with same idea originally, once in this sense in N.T. (Acts 17:18). Elsewhere in N.T. it has the notion of evil spirits as here, those spiritual forces of wickedness (Ephesians 6:12) that are under the control of Satan. The word δαιμονια, so common in the Gospels, occurs in Paul's writings only here and 1 Timothy 4:1. Demonology is a deep and dark subject here pictured by Paul as the explanation of heathenism which is a departure from God (Romans 1:19-23) and a substitute for the worship of God. It is a terrible indictment which is justified by the licentious worship associated with paganism then and now.

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Old Testament