What? Have ye not houses?

(Μη γαρ οικιας ουκ εχετε;) The double negative (μη--ουκ) in the single question is like the idiom in 1 Corinthians 9:4 which see. Μη expects a negative answer while ουκ negatives the verb εχετε. "For do you fail to have houses?" Paul is not approving gluttony and drunkenness but only expressing horror at their sacrilege (despising, καταφρονειτε) of the church of God.That have not

(τους μη εχοντας). Not those without houses, but those who have nothing, "the have-nots" (Findlay) like 2 Corinthians 8:12, in contrast with ο εχοντες "the haves" (the men of property).What shall I say to you?

(τ ειπω υμιν;) Deliberative subjunctive that well expresses Paul's bewilderment.

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Old Testament