For who hath known the mind of the Lord

(Τις γαρ εγνω νουν Κυριου;). Quotation from Isaiah 40:13.That he should instruct him

(ος συνβιβασε αυτον). This use of ος (relativewho

) is almost consecutive (result). The πνευματικος man is superior to others who attempt even to instruct God himself. See on Acts 9:22; Acts 16:10 for συνβιβαζω, to make go together.But we have the mind of Christ

(ημεις δε νουν Χριστου εχομεν). As he has already shown (verses 1 Corinthians 2:6-13). Thus with the mind (νους. Cf. Philippians 2:5; Romans 8:9; Romans 8:27). Hence Paul and all πνευματικο men are superior to those who try to shake their faith in Christ, the mystery of God. Paul can say, "I know him whom I have believed." "I believe; therefore I have spoken."

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Old Testament