Not good

(ου καλον). Not beautiful, not seemly, in view of this plague spot, this cancer on the church. They needed a surgical operation at once instead of boasting and pride (puffed up). Καυχημα is the thing gloried in.A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump

(μικρα ζυμη ολον το φυραμα ζυμο). This proverb occurs verbatim in Galatians 5:9. Ζυμη (leaven) is a late word from ζεω, to boil, as is ζυμοω, to leaven. The contraction is regular (-οει=ο) for the third person singular present indicative. See the parables of Jesus for the pervasive power of leaven (Matthew 13:33). Some of the members may have argued that one such case did not affect the church as a whole, a specious excuse for negligence that Paul here answers. The emphasis is on the "little" (μικρα, note position). Lump (φυραμα from φυραω, to mix, late word, in the papyri mixing a medical prescription) is a substance mixed with water and kneaded like dough. Compare the pervasive power of germs of disease in the body as they spread through the body.

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Old Testament