That he behaveth himself unseemly

(ασχημονειν). Old verb, here only in N.T., from ασχημων (1 Corinthians 12:23), from α privative and σχημα. Occurs in the papyri. Infinitive in indirect discourse after νομιζε (thinks) with ε (condition of first class, assumed as true).If she be past the flower of her age

(εαν η υπερακμος). Old word, only here in N.T., from υπερ (over) and ακμη (prime or bloom of life), past the bloom of youth, superadultus (Vulgate). Compound adjective with feminine form like masculine. Apparently the Corinthians had asked Paul about the duty of a father towards his daughter old enough to marry.If need so requireth

(κα ουτως οφειλε γινεσθα). "And it ought to happen." Paul has discussed the problem of marriage for virgins on the grounds of expediency. Now he faces the question where the daughter wishes to marry and there is no serious objection to it. The father is advised to consent. Roman and Greek fathers had the control of the marriage of their daughters. "My marriage is my father's care; it is not for me to decide about that" (Hermione in Euripides' Andromache, 987).Let them marry

(γαμειτωσαν). Present active plural imperative (long form).

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Old Testament