Take heed

(βλεπετε). A warning to the enlightened.Lest by any means

(μη πως). Common construction after verbs of caution or fearing, μη πως with aorist subjunctive γενητα.This liberty of yours

(η εξουσια υμων αυτη). Εξουσια, from εξεστιν, means a grant, allowance, authority, power, privilege, right, liberty. It shades off easily. It becomes a battle cry, personal liberty does, to those who wish to indulge their own whims and appetites regardless of the effect upon others.A stumbling-block to the weak

(προσκομμα τοις ασθενεσιν). Late word from προσκοπτω, to cut against, to stumble against. So an obstacle for the foot to strike. In Romans 14:13 Paul uses σκανδαλον as parallel with προσκομμα. We do not live alone. This principle applies to all social relations in matters of law, of health, of morals. Noblesse oblige. The enlightened must consider the welfare of the unenlightened, else he does not have love.

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Old Testament