Which in time past

(ο ποτε). "Who once upon a time."No people

(ου λαος). This phrase from Hosea 2:23. Note use of ου (not ουδεις) with λαος like Hebrew negative.Which had not obtained mercy

(ο ουκ ελεημενο). Perfect passive articular participle of ελεεω and the emphatic negative ου, with which compare Paul's use of 1 Peter 2:1; 1 Peter 2:2 in Romans 9:25, which may have been known to Peter or not.But now have obtained mercy

(νυν δε ελεηθεντες). Change to first aorist passive participle from "the long antecedent state" to "the single event of conversion which ended it" (Hort).

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Old Testament