Unto governors

(ηγεμοσιν). Dative again of ηγεμων, a leader (from ηγεομα, to lead), old and common word (Matthew 10:18).As sent by him

(ως δι' αυτου πεμπομενοις). Present passive participle of πεμπω. Δι' αυτου is "by God," as Jesus made plain to Pilate; even Pilate received his authority ultimately "from above" (John 18:11).For vengeance on evil-doers

(εις εκδικησιν κακοποιων). Objective genitive with εκδικησιν, for which see Luke 18:7.For praise to them that do well

(επαινον αγαθοποιων). Objective genitive again, αγαθοποιος, a late word (Plutarch, Sirach) from αγαθον and ποιεω here only in N.T. Found in a magical papyrus.

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Old Testament