
(κα). Peter now quotes Isaiah 8:14 and gives a new turn to the previous quotation. To the disbelieving, Christ was indeed "a stone of stumbling (λιθος προσκομματος) and rock of offence (πετρα σκανδαλου)," quoted also by Paul in Romans 9:32, which see for discussion. Προσκομμα (from προσκοπτω, to cut against) is an obstacle against which one strikes by accident, while σκανδαλον is a trap set to trip one, but both make one fall. Too much distinction need not be made between λιθος (a loose stone in the path) and πετρα (a ledge rising out of the ground).For they

(ο). Causal use of the relative pronoun.Stumble at the word, being disobedient

(προσκοπτουσιν τω λογω απειθουντες). Present active indicative of προσκοπτω with dative case, λογω, and present active participle of απειθεω (cf. απιστουσιν in 1 Peter 2:7) as in 1 Peter 3:1. Τω λογω can be construed with απειθουντες (stumble, being disobedient to the word).Whereunto also they were appointed

(εις ο κα ετεθησαν). First aorist passive indicative of τιθημ. See this idiom in 1 Timothy 2:7. "Their disobedience is not ordained, the penalty of their disobedience is" (Bigg). They rebelled against God and paid the penalty.

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Old Testament