When they are saying

(οταν λεγωσιν). Present active subjunctive picturing these false prophets ofpeace and safety

like Ezekiel 13:10 (Peace, and there is no peace). Ασφαλεια only in N.T. in Luke 1:4 (which see); Acts 5:23 and here.Sudden destruction

(αιφνιδιος ολεθρος). Ολεθρος old word from ολλυμ, to destroy. See also 2 Thessalonians 1:9. Αιφνιδιος, old adjective akin to αφνω and in N.T. only here and Luke 21:34 where Westcott and Hort spell it εφνιδιος.Cometh upon them

(αυτοις επιστατα). Unaspirated form instead of the usual εφιστατα (present middle indicative) from εφιστημ perhaps due to confusion with επισταμα.As travail upon a woman with child

(ωσπερ η ωδιν τη εν γαστρ εχουση). Earlier form ωδις for birth-pang used also by Jesus (Mark 13:8; Matthew 24:8). Technical phrase for pregnancy,to the one who has it in belly

(cf. Matthew 1:18 of Mary).They shall in no wise escape

(ου μη εκφυγωσιν). Strong negative like that in 1 Thessalonians 4:15 ου μη (double negative) and the second aorist active subjunctive.

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Old Testament