Gain to themselves

(εαυτοις περιποιουντα). Present middle indicative of περιποιεω, old verb, to make besides (περ, around, over), to lay by. Reflexive (indirect) middle with reflexive pronoun (εαυτοις) repeated as often happens in the Koine. In N.T. only here, Luke 17:33; Acts 20:28 (Paul also, quoting Isaiah 43:21).A good standing

(βαθμον καλον). Late word from βαινω, in LXX for steps at a door (1 Samuel 5:5). In plural the steps of a stair. In the inscriptions it means a good foothold or standing. The ecclesiastical writers (Theodoret) take it to be a higher grade or rank, but it is doubtful if Paul means that here.Much boldness

(πολλην παρρησιαν). A Pauline phrase (2 Corinthians 3:12; 2 Corinthians 7:4; Philippians 1:20).In the faith which is in Christ Jesus

(εν πιστε τη εν Χριστω Ιησου). Pauline phrase again (Acts 26:18; Galatians 3:26; Colossians 1:4; Ephesians 1:15; 2 Timothy 1:13; 2 Timothy 3:15).

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Old Testament