The weapons of our warfare

(τα οπλα της στρατειας). Στρατεια (old word, in N.T. only here and 1 Timothy 1:18) iscampaign

and not army as some MSS. have (στρατια). But both στρατεια and στρατια occur in the papyri for the same word (Deissmann, Bible Studies, p. 181f.). For οπλα (Latin arma) see on 2 Corinthians 6:7; Romans 6:13; Romans 13:12.Of the flesh

(σαρκικα). See on 1 Corinthians 3:3; 2 Corinthians 1:12. They had accused him of artifices and craft.Mighty before God

(δυνατα τω θεω). This dative of personal interest (ethical dative) can be like αστειος τω θεω (Acts 7:20), in God's eyes, as it looks to God.To the casting down of strongholds

(προς καθαιρεσιν οχυρωματων). Καθαιρεσις is old word from καθαιρεω, to take down, to tear down walls and buildings. Carries on the military metaphor. Οχυρωμα is old word, common in the Apocrypha, from οχυροω, to fortify, and that from οχυρος (from εχω, to hold fast). Nowhere else in N.T. In Cilicia the Romans had to tear down many rocky forts in their attacks on the pirates.

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Old Testament