Thrice was I beaten with rods

(τρις ερραβδισθην). Roman (Gentile) punishment. It was forbidden to Roman citizens by the Lex Porcia, but Paul endured it in Philippi (Acts 16:23; Acts 16:37), the only one of the three named in Acts. First aorist passive of ραβδιζω, from ραβδος, rod, Koine word, in N.T. only here and Acts 16:22 which see.Once was I stoned

(απαξ ελιθασθην). Once for all απαξ means. At Lystra (Acts 14:5-19). On λιθαζω Koine verb from λιθος, see on Acts 5:26.Thrice I suffered shipwreck

(τρις εναυαγησα). First aorist active of ναυαγεω, from ναυαγος, shipwrecked (ναυς, ship, αγνυμ, to break). Old and common verb, in N.T. only here and 1 Timothy 1:19. We know nothing of these. The one told in 2 Corinthians 11:27 was much later. What a pity that we have no data for all these varied experiences of Paul.Night and day

(νυχθημερον) Rare word. Papyri give νυκτημαρ with the same idea (night-day).Have I been in the deep

(εν τω βυθω πεποιηκα). Vivid dramatic perfect active indicative of ποιεω, "I have done a night and day in the deep." The memory of it survives like a nightmare. Βυθος is old word (only here in N.T.) for bottom, depth of the sea, then the sea itself. Paul does not mean that he was a night and day under the water, not a Jonah experience, only that he was far out at sea and shipwrecked. This was one of the three shipwrecks-already named.

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Old Testament