2 Corinthians 3:1

TO COMMEND OURSELVES? (εαυτους συνιστανειν?). Late (_Koine_) form of συνιστημ, to place one with another, to introduce, to commend. Paul is sensitive over praising himself, though his enemies compelled him to do it.EPISTLES OF COMMENDATION (συστατικων επιστολων). Late verbal adjective from συνισ... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Corinthians 3:2

YE ARE OUR EPISTLE (η επιστολη ημων υμεις εστε). Bold turn. Paul was writing in their hearts.KNOWN AND READ (γινωσκομενη κα αναγινωσκομενη). Play on the word. Literally true. Professing Christians are the Bible that men read and know.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Corinthians 3:3

AN EPISTLE OF CHRIST (επιστολη Χριστου). He turns the metaphor round and round. They are Christ's letter to men as well as Paul's.NOT WITH INK (ου μελαν). Instrumental case of μελας, black. Plato uses το μελαν for ink as here. See also 2 John 1:12; 3 John 1:13.OF STONE (λιθιναις). Composed of... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Corinthians 3:5

OF OURSELVES (αφ' εαυτων). Starting from ourselves (reflexive pronoun).AS FROM OURSELVES (ως εξ αυτων). He says it over again with preposition εξ (out of). He has no originating power for such confidence.SUFFICIENCY (ικανοτης). Old word, only here in N.T.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Corinthians 3:6

WHO ALSO MADE US SUFFICIENT FOR SUCH CONFIDENCE (ος κα ικανωσεν ημας). Late causative verb from ικανος (verse 2 Corinthians 3:5) first aorist active indicative, "who (God) rendered us fit." In N.T. only here and Colossians 1:12.AS MINISTERS OF A NEW COVENANT (διακονους καινης διαθηκης). Predica... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Corinthians 3:7

OF DEATH (του θανατου). Subjective genitive, marked by death in its outcome (cf. 1 Corinthians 15:56; Galatians 3:10). The letter kills.ENGRAVEN ON STONES (εντετυπωμενη λιθοις). Perfect passive participle of εντυποω, late verb, to imprint a figure (τυπος). Used by Aristias (67) of the "inlaid... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Corinthians 3:8

HOW SHALL NOT RATHER? (πως ουχ μαλλον?). _Argumentum a minore ad majus_ (from the less to the greater).OF THE SPIRIT (του πνευματος). Marked by the spirit. Picture of the Christian ministry now.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Corinthians 3:9

OF CONDEMNATION (της κατακρισεως). Genitive, that brings condemnation because unable to obey the law.IS GLORY (δοξα). No copula, but makes the figure bolder. Paul freely admits the glory for the old dispensation.OF RIGHTEOUSNESS (της δικαιοσυνης). Marked by and leading to righteousness. See 2... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Corinthians 3:10

IN THIS RESPECT (εν τουτω τω μερε). The glory on the face of Moses was temporary, though real, and passed away (verse 2 Corinthians 3:7), a type of the dimming of the glory of the old dispensation by the brightness of the new. The moon makes a dim light after the sun rises, "is not glorified" (ου... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Corinthians 3:11

PASSETH AWAY (καταργουμενον). In process of disappearing before the gospel of Christ.REMAINETH (μενον). The new ministry is permanent. This claim may be recommended to those who clamour for a new religion. Christianity is still alive and is not dying. Note also εν δοξη, in glory, in contrast wi... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Corinthians 3:13

PUT A VEIL UPON HIS FACE (ετιθε καλυμμα επ το προσωπον αυτου). Imperfect active of τιθημ, used to put (Exodus 34:33).THAT THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL SHOULD NOT LOOK STEADFASTLY (προς το μη ατενισα τους υιους). Purpose expressed by προς and the articular infinitive with negative μη and the accusativ... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Corinthians 3:14

BUT THEIR MINDS WERE HARDENED (αλλα επωρωθη τα νοηματα αυτων). Their thoughts (νοηματα) literally. Πωροω (first aorist passive indicative here) is late verb from πωρος, hard skin, to cover with thick skin (callus), to petrify. See on Mark 6:52; Mark 8:17.OF THE OLD COVENANT (της παλαιας διαθηκη... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Corinthians 3:15

WHENSOEVER MOSES IS READ (ηνικα αν αναγινωσκητα Μωυσης). Indefinite temporal clause with ηνικα an and the present passive subjunctive.A VEIL LIETH UPON THEIR HEART (επ την καρδιαν αυτων κειτα). Vivid and distressing picture, a fact that caused Paul agony of heart (Romans 9:1-5). With wilful bli... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Corinthians 3:16

IT SHALL TURN (επιστρεψε). The heart of Israel.THE VEIL IS TAKEN AWAY (περιαιρειτα το καλυμμα). Present passive indicative of περιαιρεω, old verb, to take from around, as of anchors (Acts 27:40), to cut loose (Acts 28:13), for hope to be taken away (Acts 27:20). Here Paul has in mind Exodus 34:... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Corinthians 3:17

NOW THE LORD IS THE SPIRIT (ο δε Κυριος το πνευμα εστιν). Some, like E. F. Scott (_The Spirit in the N.T._), take Κυριος here to be Christ and interpret Paul as denying the personality of the Holy Spirit, identifying Christ and the Holy Spirit. But is not Bernard right here in taking Κυριος (Lord)... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Corinthians 3:18

WE ALL (ημεις παντες). All of us Christians, not merely ministers.WITH UNVEILED FACE (ανακεκαλυμμενω προσωπω). Instrumental case of manner. Unlike and like Moses.REFLECTING AS IN A MIRROR (κατοπτριζομενο). Present middle participle of κατοπτριζω, late verb from κατοπτρον, mirror (κατα, οπτρον,... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament