2 John 1:1

AND HER CHILDREN (κα τοις τεκνοις αυτης). As with εκλεκτη κυρια, so here τεκνα may be understood either literally as in 1 Timothy 3:4, or spiritually, as in Galatians 4:19; Galatians 4:25; 1 Timothy 1:2. For the spiritual sense in τεκνια see 1 John 2:1; 1 John 2:12.WHOM (ους). Masculine accusati... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:2

FOR THE TRUTH'S SAKE (δια την αληθειαν). Repetition of the word, one of which John is very fond (1 John 1:6, "the truth, as revealed by the Christ, and gradually unfolded by the Spirit, who is truth" (Brooke).WHICH ABIDETH IN US (την μενουσαν εν ημιν). See John 17:19 for "sanctified in truth" a... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:3

SHALL BE WITH US (εστα μεθ' ημων). He picks up the words before in reverse order. Future indicative here, not a wish with the optative (ειε) as we have in 1 Peter 1:2; 2 Peter 1:2. The salutation is like that in the Pastoral Epistles: " Χαρις, the wellspring in the heart of God; ελεος, its outpou... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:4

I REJOICE (εχαρην). Second aorist passive of χαιρω as in 3 John 1:3, "of a glad surprise" (D. Smith), as in Mark 14:11, over the discovery about the blessing of their godly home on these lads.GREATLY (λιαν). Only here and 3 John 1:3 in John's writings.I HAVE FOUND (ευρηκα). Perfect active ind... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:5

BESEECH (ερωτω). For pray as in 1 John 5:16.LADY (κυρια). Vocative case and in the same sense as in 2 John 1:1.AS THOUGH I WROTE (ως γραφων). Common idiom ως with the participle (present active) for the alleged reason.NEW (καινην). As in 1 John 2:7, which see.WE HAD (ειχαμεν). Imperfect a... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:6

LOVE (η αγαπη). The love just mentioned.THAT WE SHOULD WALK (ινα περιπατωμεν). Object clause in nominative case in apposition with αγαπη, with ινα and the present active subjunctive of περιπατεω, "that we keep on walking."THE COMMANDMENT (η εντολη). The one just mentioned with the same constr... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:7

DECEIVERS (πλανο). Late adjective (Diodorus, Josephus) meaning wandering, roving (1 Timothy 4:1). As a substantive in N.T. of Jesus (Matthew 27:63), of Paul (2 Corinthians 6:8), and here. See the verb (των πλανοντων υμας) in 1 John 2:26 of the Gnostic deceivers as here and also of Jesus (John 7:1... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:8

LOOK TO YOURSELVES (βλεπετε εαυτους). Imperative active with reflexive pronoun as in Mark 13:9. The verb often used absolutely (Philippians 3:2) like our "look out."THAT YE LOSE NOT (ινα μη απολεσητε). Negative purpose with ινα μη and first aorist active subjunctive of απολλυμ. This is the corr... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:9

WHOSOEVER GOETH ONWARD (πας ο προαγων). "Every one who goes ahead. Προαγω literally means to go on before (Mark 11:9). That in itself is often the thing to do, but here the bad sense comes out by the parallel clause.AND ABIDETH NOT IN THE TEACHING OF CHRIST (κα μη μενων εν τη διδαχη του Χριστου)... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:10

IF ANY ONE COMETH AND BRINGETH NOT (ε τις ερχετα κα ου φερε). Condition of first class with ε and two present indicatives (ερχεται, φερε).THIS TEACHING (ταυτην την διδαχην). This teaching of Christ of verse 2 John 1:9, which is the standard by which to test Gnostic deceivers (verse 2 John 1:7).... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:11

PARTAKETH IN HIS EVIL WORKS (κοινωνε τοις εργοις αυτου τοις πονηροις). Associative instrumental case with κοινωνε as in 1 Timothy 5:22, common verb from κοινωνος (partner). It is to be borne in mind that the churches often met in private homes (Romans 16:5; Colossians 4:15), and if these travelli... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:12

I WOULD NOT (ουκ εβουληθην). Epistolary aorist (first passive indicative).WITH PAPER AND INK (δια χαρτου κα μελανος). The χαρτης was a leaf of papyrus prepared for writing by cutting the pith into strips and pasting together, old word (Jeremiah 43:23), here only in N.T. Μελας is old adjective fo... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:13

OF THINE ELECT SISTER (της αδελφης σου της εκλεκτης). Same word εκλεκτη as in verse 2 John 1:1; Revelation 17:4. Apparently children of a deceased sister of the lady of verse 2 John 1:1 who lived in Ephesus and whom John knew as members of his church there.... [ Continue Reading ]

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