2 Peter 2:1

BUT THERE AROSE (εγενοντο δε). Second aorist middle indicative of γινομα (cf. γινετα in 2 Peter 1:20).FALSE PROPHETS ALSO (κα ψευδοπροφητα). In contrast with the true prophets just pictured in 2 Peter 1:20. Late compound in LXX and Philo, common in N.T. (Matthew 7:15). Allusion to the O.T. time... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:2

LASCIVIOUS DOINGS (ασελγειαις). Associative instrumental ease after εξακολουθησουσιν (future active, for which verb see 2 Peter 1:16). See 1 Peter 4:3 for this word.BY REASON OF WHOM (δι' ους). "Because of whom" (accusative case of relative, referring to πολλο, many). Αυτων (their) refers to ψε... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:3

IN COVETOUSNESS (εν πλεονεξια). As did Balaam (verse 2 Peter 2:15). These licentious Gnostics made money out of their dupes. A merely intellectual Gnosticism had its fruit in immorality and fraud.WITH FEIGNED WORDS (πλαστοις λογοις). Instrumental case. Πλαστος is verbal adjective (from πλασσω,... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:4

FOR IF GOD SPARED NOT (ε γαρ ο θεος ουκ εφεισατο). First instance (γαρ) of certain doom, that of the fallen angels. Condition of the first class precisely like that in Romans 11:21 save that here the normal apodosis (υμων ου φεισετα) is not expressed as there, but is simply implied in verse 2 Pet... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:5

THE ANCIENT WORLD (αρχαιου κοσμου). Genitive case after εφεισατο (with ε understood) repeated (the second example, the deluge). This example not in Jude. Absence of the article is common in the prophetic style like II Peter. For αρχαιος see Luke 9:8.PRESERVED (εφυλαξεν). Still part of the long... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:6

TURNING INTO ASHES (τεφρωσας). First aorist participle of τεφροω, late word from τεφρα, ashes (in Dio Cassius of an eruption of Vesuvius, Philo), here alone in N.T.THE CITIES OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH (πολεις Σοδομων κα Γομορρας). Genitive of apposition after πολεις (cities), though it makes sense... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:7

AND DELIVERED (κα ερυσατο). First aorist middle of ρυομα as in Matthew 6:13, still part of the protasis with ε.RIGHTEOUS LOT (δικαιον Λοτ). This adjective δικαιος occurs three times in verses 2 Peter 2:7; 2 Peter 2:8. See Wisdom 10:6.SORE DISTRESSED (καταπονουμενον). Present passive participl... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:8

FOR (γαρ). Parenthetical explanation in verse 2 Peter 2:8 of the remark about Lot.DWELLING (ενκατοικων). Present active participle of ενκατοικεω, old but rare double compound, here only in N.T.IN SEEING AND HEARING (βλεμματ κα ακοη). "By sight (instrumental case of βλεμμα, old word, from βλεπ... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:9

THE LORD KNOWETH HOW (οιδεν κυριος). The actual apodosis of the long protasis begun in verse 2 Peter 2:4. God can deliver his servants as shown by Noah and Lot and he will deliver you. The idiomatic use of οιδα and the infinitive (ρυεσθα present middle and see verse 2 Peter 2:7) for knowing how a... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:10

CHIEFLY (μαλιστα). Especially. He turns now to the libertine heretics (verses 2 Peter 2:2; 2 Peter 2:7).AFTER THE FLESH (οπισω σαρκος). Hebraistic use of οπισω as with αμαρτιων (sins) in Isaiah 65:2. Cf. Matthew 4:19; 1 Timothy 5:15.OF DEFILEMENT (μιασμου). Old word (from μιαινω Titus 1:15),... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:11

WHEREAS (οπου). Loose use of οπου (in Xenophon) = "wherein."THOUGH GREATER (μειζονες οντες). Than the evil δοξα. Concessive participle and comparative adjective.IN MIGHT AND STRENGTH (ισχυ κα δυναμε). Locative case. Both indwelling strength (ισχυς, Mark 12:30) and ability (δυναμις, Matthew 25... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:12

BUT THESE (ουτο δε). The false teachers of verse 2 Peter 2:1.AS CREATURES (ζωα). Living creatures, old word, from ζωος (alive), Judges 1:10; Revelation 4:6-9.WITHOUT REASON (αλογα). Old adjective, in N.T. only here, Judges 1:10; Acts 25:27. Brute beasts like θηρια (wild animals).BORN (γεγεν... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:13

SUFFERING WRONG (αδικουμενο). Present middle or passive participle of αδικεω to do wrong. So Aleph B P, but A C K L have κομιουμενο (future middle participle of κομιζω), shall receive.AS THE HIRE OF WRONG-DOING (μισθον αδικιας). The Elephantine papyrus has the passive of αδικεω in the sense of... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:14

OF ADULTERY (μοιχαλιδος). Rather, "of an adulteress," like James 4:4. Vivid picture of a man who cannot see a woman without lascivious thoughts toward her (Mayor). Cf. Matthew 5:28.THAT CANNOT CEASE (ακαταπαστους). Reading of A B in place of ακαταπαυστους (alpha privative and verbal of καταπαυω... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:15

FORSAKING (καταλειποντες). Present active participle of καταλειπω (continually leaving) or καταλιποντες (second aorist active), having left.THE RIGHT WAY (ευθειαν οδον). "The straight way" of 1 Samuel 12:23 (cf. Matthew 7:13 for this use of οδος), "the way of truth" (2 Peter 2:2).THEY WENT ASTR... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:16

BUT HE WAS REBUKED (ελεγξιν δε εσχεν). "But he had rebuke." Second aorist active indicative of εχω and accusative of ελεγξις (late word from ελεγχω, a periphrasis for ελεγχω, here only in N.T.FOR HIS OWN TRANSGRESSION (ιδιας παρανομιας). Objective genitive of παρανομια, old word (from παρανομος... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:17

WITHOUT WATER (ανυδρο). As in Matthew 12:43; Luke 11:24. Old word for common and disappointing experience of travellers in the orient.MISTS (ομιχλα). Old word for fog, here alone in N.T.DRIVEN BY A STORM (υπο λαιλαπος ελαυνομενα). Λαιλαπς is a squall (Mark 4:37; Luke 8:23, only other N.T. exa... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:18

GREAT SWELLING WORDS (υπερογκα). Old compound adjective (υπερ and ογκος, a swelling, swelling above and beyond), in N.T. only here and Judges 1:16.OF VANITY (ματαιοτητος). Late and rare word (from ματαιος, empty, vain), often in LXX, in N.T. here, Romans 8:20; Ephesians 4:17.BY LASCIVIOUSNESS... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:19

LIBERTY (ελευθεριαν). Promising "personal liberty," that is license, after the fashion of advocates of liquor today, not the freedom of truth in Christ (John 8:32; Galatians 5:1; Galatians 5:13).THEMSELVES BONDSERVANTS (αυτο δουλο). "Themselves slaves" of corruption and sin as Paul has it in Ro... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:20

AFTER THEY HAVE ESCAPED (αποφυγοντες). Second aorist active participle here (see verse 2 Peter 2:18).THE DEFILEMENTS (τα μιασματα). Old word miasma, from μιαινω, here only in N.T. Our "miasma." The body is sacred to God. Cf. μιασμου in verse 2 Peter 2:10.THEY ARE AGAIN ENTANGLED (παλιν εμπλακ... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:21

IT WERE BETTER (κρειττον ην). Apodosis of a condition of second class without αν, as is usual with clauses of possibility, propriety, obligation (Matthew 26:24; 1 Corinthians 5:10; Romans 7:7; Hebrews 9:26).NOT TO HAVE KNOWN (μη επεγνωκενα). Perfect active infinitive of επιγινωσκω (cf. επιγνωσε... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 2:22

IT HAS HAPPENED (συμβεβηκεν). Perfect active indicative of συμβαινω, for which see 1 Peter 4:12.ACCORDING TO THE TRUE PROVERB (το της αληθους παροιμιας). "The word (το used absolutely, the matter of, as in Matthew 21:21; James 4:14) of the true proverb" (παροιμια a wayside saying, for which see... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament