2 Peter 3:1

BELOVED (αγαπητο). With this vocative verbal (four times in this chapter), Peter "turns away from the Libertines and their victims" (Mayor).THIS IS NOW THE SECOND EPISTLE THAT I WRITE UNTO YOU (ταυτην ηδη δευτεραν υμιν γραφω επιστολην). Literally, "This already a second epistle I am writing to... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:2

THAT YE SHOULD REMEMBER (μνησθηνα). First aorist passive (deponent) infinitive of μιμνησκω, to remind. Purpose (indirect command) is here expressed by this infinitive. Imperative in Judges 1:17.SPOKEN BEFORE (προειρημενων). Perfect passive participle of προειπον (defective verb). Genitive case... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:3

KNOWING THIS FIRST (τουτο πρωτον γινωσκοντες). Present active participle of γινωσκω. See 2 Peter 1:20 for this identical phrase. Nominative absolute here where accusative γινωσκοντας would be regular. Peter now takes up the παρουσια (2 Peter 1:16) after having discussed the δυναμις of Christ.IN T... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:4

WHERE IS THE PROMISE OF HIS COMING? (που εστιν η επαγγελια της παρουσιας αυτου;). This is the only sample of the questions raised by these mockers. Peter had mentioned this subject of the παρουσια in 2 Peter 1:16. Now he faces it squarely. Peter, like Paul (1 Thessalonians 5:1; 2 Thessalonians 2:1... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:5

FOR THIS THEY WILFULLY FORGET (λανθανε γαρ αυτους τουτο θελοντας). Literally, "for this escapes them being willing." See this use of λανθανω (old verb, to escape notice of, to be hidden from) in Acts 26:26. The present active participle θελοντας (from θελω, to wish) has almost an adverbial sense... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:6

BY WHICH MEANS (δι' ων). The two waters above or the water and the word of God. Mayor against the MSS. reads δι' ου (singular) and refers it to λογω alone.BEING OVERSHADOWED (κατακλυσθεις). First aorist passive participle of κατακλυζω, old compound, here only in N.T., but see κατακλυσμος in 2 P... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:7

THAT NOW ARE (νυν). "The now heavens" over against "the then world" (ο τοτε κοσμος verse 2 Peter 3:6).BY THE SAME WORD (τω αυτω λογω). Instrumental case again referring to λογω in verse 2 Peter 3:6.HAVE BEEN STORED UP (τεθησαυρισμενο εισιν). Perfect passive indicative of θησαυριζω, for which... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:8

FORGET NOT THIS ONE THING (εν τουτο μη λανθανετω υμας). Rather, "let not this one thing escape you." For λανθανετω (present active imperative of λανθανω) see verse 2 Peter 3:5. The "one thing" (εν) is explained by the οτ (that) clause following. Peter applies the language of Psalms 90:4 about the... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:9

IS NOT SLACK CONCERNING HIS PROMISE (ου βραδυνε της επαγγελιας). Ablative case επαγγελιας after βραδυνε (present active indicative of βραδυνω, from βραδυς, slow), old verb, to be slow in, to fall short of (like λειπετα σοφιας in James 1:5), here and 1 Timothy 3:15 only in N.T.SLACKNESS (βραδυτη... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:10

THE DAY OF THE LORD (ημερα κυριου). So Peter in Acts 2:20 (from Joel 3:4) and Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:4; 2 Thessalonians 2:2; 1 Corinthians 5:5; and day of Christ in Philippians 2:16 and day of God in 2 Peter 2:12 and day of judgment alre... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:11

TO BE DISSOLVED (λυομενων). Present passive participle (genitive absolute with τουτων παντων, these things all) of λυω, either the futuristic present or the process of dissolution presented.WHAT MANNER OF PERSONS (ποταπους). Late qualitative interrogative pronoun for the older ποδαπος as in Mat... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:12

LOOKING FOR (προσδοκωντας). Present active participle of προσδοκαω (Matthew 11:3) agreeing in case (accusative plural) with υμας.EARNESTLY DESIRING (σπευδοντας). Present active participle, accusative also, of σπευδω, old verb, to hasten (like our speed) as in Luke 2:16, but it is sometimes trans... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:13

PROMISE (επαγγελμα). As in 2 Peter 1:4. The reference is to Isaiah 65:17; Isaiah 66:22. See also Revelation 21:1. For καινος (new) see on Matthew 26:29. For the expectant attitude in προσδοκωμεν (we look for) repeated from verse 2 Peter 3:12 and again in verse 2 Peter 3:14, see απεκδεχομεθα (we ea... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:14

WHEREFORE (διο). As in 2 Peter 1:10; 2 Peter 1:12.GIVE DILIGENCE (σπουδασατε). As in 2 Peter 1:10.THAT YE MAY BE FOUND (ευρεθηνα). First aorist passive infinitive (cf. ευρεθησετα in verse 2 Peter 3:10). For this use of ευρισκω about the end see 2 Corinthians 5:3; Philippians 3:9; 1 Peter 1:7.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:15

IN HIS SIGHT (αυτω). Ethical dative. Referring to Christ.IS SALVATION (σωτηριαν). Predicate accusative after ηγεισθε in apposition with μακροθυμιαν (long-suffering), an opportunity for repentance (cf. 1 Peter 3:20). The Lord here is Christ.OUR BELOVED BROTHER PAUL (ο αγαπητος αδελφος Παυλος).... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:16

AS ALSO IN ALL HIS EPISTLES (ως κα εν πασαις επιστολαις). We do not know to how many Peter here refers. There is no difficulty in supposing that Peter "received every one of St. Paul's Epistles within a month or two of its publication" (Bigg). And yet Peter does not here assert the formation of a... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:17

KNOWING THESE THINGS BEFOREHAND (προγινωσκοντες). Present active participle of προγινωσκω as in 1 Peter 1:20. Cf. πρωτον γινωσκω (2 Peter 1:20; 2 Peter 3:1). Hence they are without excuse for misunderstanding Peter or Paul on this subject.BEWARE (φυλασσεσθε). Present middle imperative of φυλασσ... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:18

BUT GROW (αυξανετε δε). Present active imperative of αυξανω, in contrast with such a fate pictured in verse 2 Peter 3:17, "but keep on growing."IN THE GRACE AND KNOWLEDGE (εν χαριτ κα γνωσε). Locative case with εν. Grow in both. Keep it up. See on 2 Peter 1:1 for the idiomatic use of the single... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament