That ye should remember

(μνησθηνα). First aorist passive (deponent) infinitive of μιμνησκω, to remind. Purpose (indirect command) is here expressed by this infinitive. Imperative in Judges 1:17.Spoken before

(προειρημενων). Perfect passive participle of προειπον (defective verb). Genitive case ρηματων after μνησθηνα.And the commandment

(κα της εντολης). Ablative case with υπο (agency).Of the Lord and Saviour through your apostles

(των αποστολων υμων του κυριου κα σωτηρος). Hυμων (your) is correct, not ημων (our). But the several genitives complicate the sense. If δια (through) occurred before των αποστολων, it would be clear. It is held by some that Peter would not thus speak of the twelve apostles, including himself, and that the forger here allows the mask to slip, but Bigg rightly regards this a needless inference. The meaning is that they should remember the teaching of their apostles and not follow the Gnostic libertines.

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Old Testament