With all deceit of unrighteousness

(εν παση απατη αδικιας). This pastmaster of trickery will have at his command all the energy and skill of Satan to mislead and deceive. How many illustrations lie along the pathway of Christian history.For them that are perishing

(τοις απολλυμενοις). Dative case of personal interest. Note this very phrase in 2 Corinthians 2:15; 2 Corinthians 4:3. Present middle participle of αππολλυμ, to destroy, the dreadful process goes on.Because

(ανθ' ον). In return for which things (αντ and the genitive of the relative pronoun). Same idiom in Luke 1:20; Luke 12:3; Luke 19:44; Acts 12:23 and very common in the LXX.The love of the truth

(την αγαπην της αληθειας). That is the gospel in contrast with lying and deceit.That they might be saved

(εις το σωθηνα αυτους). First aorist passive infinitive of σωζω with εις το, again, epexegetic purpose ofthe truth

if they had heeded it.

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Old Testament