So then

(αρα ουν). Accordingly then. The illative αρα is supported (Ellicott) by the collective ουν as in 1 Thessalonians 5:6; Galatians 6:10, etc. Here is the practical conclusion from God's elective purpose in such a world crisis.Stand fast

(στηκετε). Present imperative active of the late present στηκο from εστηκα (perfect active of ιστημ). See on 1 Thessalonians 3:8.Hold the traditions

(κρατειτε τας παραδοσεις). Present imperative of κρατεω, old verb, to have masterful grip on a thing, either with genitive (Mark 1:31) or usually the accusative as here. Παραδοσις (tradition) is an old word for what is handed over to one. Dibelius thinks that Paul reveals his Jewish training in the use of this word (Galatians 1:14), but the word is a perfectly legitimate one for teaching whether oral,by word

(δια λογου), or written,by epistle of ours

(δι' επιστολης ημων). Paul draws here no distinction between oral tradition and written tradition as was done later. The worth of the tradition lies not in the form but in the source and the quality of the content. Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:23 says: "I received from the Lord what I also handed over (παρεδωκα) unto you." He praises them because ye "hold fast the traditions even as I delivered them unto you." Thetradition

may be merely that of men and so worthless and harmful in place of the word of God (Mark 7:8; Colossians 2:6-8). It all depends. It is easy to scoff at truth as mere tradition. But human progress in all fields is made by use of the old, found to be true, in connection with the new if found to be true. In Thessalonica the saints were already the victims of theological charlatans with their half-baked theories about the second coming of Christ and about social duties and relations.Which ye were taught

(ας εδιδαχθητε). First aorist passive indicative of διδασκω, to teach, retaining the accusative of the thing in the passive as is common with this verb like doceo in Latin and teach in English.

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Old Testament