I hope

(ελπιζω)--We shall speak

(λαλησομεν). Literary plural really singular like ελπιζω.Face to face

(στομα προς στομα). As in 2 John 1:12. Peace to thee

(ειρηνη σο). Pax tibi like the Jewish greeting shalom (Luke 10:5; Luke 24:36; John 20:19; John 20:21).The friends

(ο φιλο). Those in Ephesus.By name

(κατ' ονομα). John knew the friends in the church (at Pergamum or wherever it was) as the good shepherd calls his sheep by name (John 10:3, the only other N.T. example of κατ' ονομα). The idiom is common in the papyri letters (Deissmann, Light, etc., p. 193, note 21).

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Old Testament