
(μειζοτεραν). A double comparative with -τερος added to μειζων, like our "lesser" and like μαλλον κρεισσον (more better) in Philippians 1:23. In Ephesians 3:8 we have ελαχιστοτερω, a comparative on a superlative. Like forms occur in the vernacular papyri and even in Homer (χειροτερος, more worse) as also in Shakespeare.Joy

(χαραν). B reads χαριν (grace).Than this

(τουτων). Ablative neuter plural after the comparative.To hear of

(ινα ακουω). Object clause (epexegetic) with ινα and ακουω, the present active subjunctive (keep on hearing of) in apposition with τουτων,Walking in truth

(εν αληθεια περιπατουντα). As in 2 John 1:4, which see. By the use of τεκνα John may mean that Gaius is one of his converts (1 Timothy 1:1).

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Old Testament