
(αλλα). So usually, though it is open to question whether αλλα is adversative here and not rather, "Now then."Get thee down

(καταβηθ). Second aorist active imperative, at once.Go

(πορευου). Present middle imperative, go on.Nothing doubting

(μηδεν διακρινομενος). Another compound of δια, old and common verb for a divided mind (δια like δυο, two). Note usual negative of the present middle participle, the subjective μηδεν. The notion of wavering (James 1:6) is common with this verb in the middle voice. In Acts 11:12 the aorist active (μηδεν διακριναντα) is used perhaps with the idea of conduct towards others rather than his own internal doubt as here (Page).For I

(οτ εγω). The Holy Spirit assumes responsibility for the messengers from Cornelius and thus connects their mission with the vision which was still troubling Peter. Peter had heard his name called by the man (verse Acts 10:19).

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Old Testament