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(προκεχειροτονημενοις). Perfect passive participle dative plural from προχειροτονεω, to choose or designate by hand (χειροτονεω, χειρ, hand, and τεινω, to stretch, as in Acts 14:23; 2 Corinthians 8:19), beforehand (προ), a double compound as old as Plato, but here alone in the N.T. Peter is evidently stating the thing as it happened and not trying to make a convincing story by saying that both friends and foes saw him after his resurrection. It is the "historian's candour" (Paley) in Luke here that adds to the credibility of the narrative. The sceptical Jews would not have believed and Jesus was kept from open contact with the world of sin after his Passion.To us who did eat and drink with him

(ημιν οιτινες συνεφαγομεν κα συνεπιομεν αυτω). The "who" (οιτινες) is first person agreeing with "us" (ημιν). Second aorist active indicative of the common verbs συνεσθιω and συμπινω. Αυτω is associative instrumental case. There are difficulties to us in understanding how Jesus could eat and drink after the resurrection as told here and in Luke 24:41-3, but at any rate Peter makes it clear that it was no hallucination or ghost, but Jesus himself whom they saw after he rose from the dead, "after the rising as to him" (μετα το αναστηνα αυτον, μετα with the accusative articular infinitive second aorist active and the accusative αυτον of general reference). Furneaux dares to think that the disciples misunderstood Jesus about eating after the resurrection. But that is to deny the testimony merely because we cannot explain the transition state of the body of Jesus.

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Old Testament