She did

(εποιε). Imperfect active, kept it up for many days. The strange conduct gave Paul and the rest an unpleasant prominence in the community.Being sore troubled

(διαπονηθεις). First aorist passive of διαπονεω, old verb, to work laboriously, then in passive to be "worked up," displeased, worn out. In the N.T. only here and Acts 4:2 which see (there of the Sadducees about Peter's preaching). Paul was grieved, annoyed, indignant. He wanted no testimony from a source like this any more than he did the homage of the people of Lystra (Acts 14:14).That very hour

(αυτη τη ωρα). Locative case of time and familiar Lukan idiom in his Gospel, "at the hour itself." The cure was instantaneous. Paul, like Jesus, distinguished between the demon and the individual.

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Old Testament