Washed their stripes

(ελουσεν απο των πληγων). Deissmann (Bible Studies, p. 227) cites an inscription of Pergamum with this very construction of απο and the ablative, to wash off, though it is an old verb. This first aorist active indicative of λουω, to bathe, succinctly shows what the jailor did to remove the stains left by the rods of the lictors (verse Acts 16:22). Νιπτω was used for washing parts of the body.And was baptized, he and all his, immediately

(κα εβαπτισθη αυτος κα ο αυτου απαντες παραχρημα). The verb is in the singular agreeing with αυτος, but it is to be supplied with ο αυτου, and it was done at once.

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Old Testament