He brought them up

(αναγαγων). Second aorist active participle of αναγω. It looks as if his house was above the prison. The baptism apparently took place in the pool or tank in which he bathed Paul and Silas (De Wette) or the rectangular basin (impluvium) in the court for receiving the rain or even in a swimming pool or bath (κολυμβηθρα) found within the walls of the prison (Kuinoel). Meyer: "Perhaps the water was in the court of the house; and the baptism was that of immersion, which formed an essential part of the symbolism of the act."Set meat

(παρεθηκεν τραπεζαν). Set a "table" before them with food on it. They had probably had no food for a day.With all his house

(πανοικε). Adverb, once in Plato, though usually πανοικια. In LXX, but here alone in the N.T. It is in an amphibolous position and can be taken either with "rejoiced" (ηγαλλιασατο) or "having believed" (πεπιστευκως, perfect active participle, permanent belief), coming between them. The whole household (family, warden, slaves) heard the word of God, believed in the Lord Jesus, made confession, were baptized, and rejoiced. Furneaux considers the haste in baptism here "precipitate" as in the baptism of the eunuch. But why delay?

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Old Testament