Unto them

(προς αυτους). The lictors by the jailor. The reply of Paul is a marvel of brevity and energy, almost every word has a separate indictment showing the utter illegality of the whole proceeding.They have beaten us

(δειραντες ημας). First aorist active participle of δερω, old verb to flay, to skin, to smite. The Lex Valeria B.C. 509 and the Lex Poscia B.C. 248 made it a crime to inflict blows on a Roman citizen. Cicero says, "To fetter a Roman citizen was a crime, to scourge him a scandal, to slay him--parricide." Claudius had "deprived the city of Rhodes of its freedom for having crucified some citizen of Rome" (Rackham).Publicly

(δημοσια). This added insult to injury. Common adverb (οδω) supplied with adjective, associative instrumental case, opposed to ιδια or κατ' οικους, Acts 20:20)Uncondemned

(ακατακριτους). This same verbal adjective from κατα-κρινω with α privative is used by Paul in Acts 22:25 and nowhere else in the N.T. Rare in late Greek like ακαταγνωστος, but in late Koine (papyri, inscriptions). The meaning is clearly "without being tried." Paul and Silas were not given a chance to make a defence. They were sentenced unheard (Acts 25:16). Even slaves in Roman law had a right to be heard.Men that are Romans

(ανθρωπους Ρομαιους υπαρχοντας). The praetors did not know, of course, that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens any more than Lysias knew it in Acts 22:27. Paul's claim is not challenged in either instance. It was a capital offence to make a false claim to Roman citizenship.Have cast us into prison

(εβαλαν εις φυλακην). Second aorist active indicative of βαλλω, old verb, with first aorist ending as often in the Koine (-αν, not -ον). This was the climax, treating them as criminals.And now privily

(κα νυν λαθρα). Paul balances their recent conduct with the former.Nay verily, but

(ου γαρ, αλλα). No indeed! It is the use of γαρ so common in answers (γε+αρα) as in Matthew 27:23. Αλλα gives the sharp alternative.Themselves

(αυτο). As a public acknowledgment that they had wronged and mistreated Paul and Silas. Let them come themselves and lead us out (εξαγαγετωσαν, third person plural second aorist active imperative of εξαγω). It was a bitter pill to the proud praetors.

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Old Testament